I have some issues however in that the description of extremely easy to use is a bit misleading. Also in that some of the features used to describe the plugin as its core features are not actually free.
For example the consent logging. On your site it says this is something every site owner complying with GDPR needs to have.. So its a must, yet this is only a Premium / Pro feature.
Question 1: So is using the free version a bit pointless if youre only fully gdpr compliant if you are using your pro version?
In terms of Personalized Ads I have noticed that if you reject the gdpr notice no ads are shown whatsoever. My understanding for getting consent was that if the user does not give consent then we can atleast show non personalized ads (as no gdpr message is required for those and no user behaviour is uploaded)?
– Individual products: individual products where the minimum purchase has to be of 4 in 4. You can mix between them individual, but always has to be in sequence of 4 in cart. (You can not buy 6, but yes 8. You can not buy 7 but yes 12…)
– Individual SET products: These are products that have 4 products inside, like the packs of yogurts in the supermarket. This individual product can be bought only, since by default it has 4 products inside.
To do this, I have thought to differentiate the products in 2 categories: individual and set.
The individual ones can be mixed between them and they have to go in the basket in multiples of 4.
Sets are normal products, without any restriction applied to them and can be purchased directly.
Example webpage:
– With individual product: https://shop.rebbl.co/products/rebbl-box-lq
– With individual product direct buy SET: https://shop.rebbl.co/collections/variety-packs
Do you know of a plugin that will allow me to do this?
]]>The WordPress site which I am developing is a business portal which offers users across the United States the ability to access a personalized experience once logged in. As such, I would like to be able to offer the functionality to customize the time zone for each user. Is this possible to do? Please provide any suggestions as they will be appreciated. Thanks!
]]>Basically when a user chooses the size of the item(t-shirt,pants,etc.) should be able to choose from standard sizes(S,M,L) and also “Custom”. When they choose custom, additional fields open below with text input boxes for shoulders, height, lenght measurements and so on.
Is there any plugin doing this already or I’ll have to build it myself?
I can provide further informations about it if needed.
Thank you!
]]>I have a client who makes customized products. For most of the products, customers will have to choose whether they would like solid color vinyl or glitter colored vinyl. Right now, I have the solid and glitter colored options as two separate attributes. I want the customer to only be allowed to pick ONE of the two options. How can I make it so the customer is not allowed to pick from both options and is forced to only pick one? My client also sells shirts, so for those products I need the customer to pick their size and either a solid or glitter colored vinyl.
My client has too many solid and glitter options to be grouped into one attribute.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I would like to have this appear in the customer’s download section.
How do I do this?
I’m making personalized cards and I would like to sell them on my website. I’m looking for a very simple plugin which would handle the process of receiving new orders with instructions on how to finish the card. Here’s what I’m thinking about:
1) I have a separate page per product (card).
2) On the product page there are pictures and description (with price).
3) Client is able to reserve/buy the card and is asked to give more details concerning the end look.
4) (not obligatory) The product is no longer visible on the list of available products.
I don’t require a payment system – but an e-mail sent to client after completing the transaction would be a nice addon (I could include info about payment & delivery).
It looks like a simple tool for reservation would also fit in this situation, but there is so many plugins I just don’t want to waste my time on looking for the right one. I honestly believe there is someone who can help me with finding the answer or suggest a small range of plugins I can test myself to find the best one.