I hope this message finds you well. I have been a loyal user of your plugin for the past two years and have generally found it to be very effective for my e-commerce website. However, I recently encountered an issue with phone number validation that has caused some inconvenience for both myself and my customers.
Over the past few days, I’ve noticed that some customers have been entering incorrect phone numbers with either 9 digits or 8 digits, making it difficult for me to effectively communicate with them regarding their orders and shipment details. This has resulted in delays and frustration for both parties involved.
In light of this issue, I am reaching out to inquire if there is a possibility to enhance the phone number validation feature of your plugin to include a minimum and maximum length requirement on the checkout page form.
I would greatly appreciate it if your team could look into this matter and provide a solution or update to address the issue at your earliest convenience.
Thank you
]]>I hope this message finds you well. I have been a loyal user of your plugin for the past two years and have generally found it to be very effective for my e-commerce website. However, I recently encountered an issue with phone number validation that has caused some inconvenience for both myself and my customers.
Over the past few days, I’ve noticed that some customers have been entering incorrect phone numbers with either 9 digits or 8 digits, making it difficult for me to effectively communicate with them regarding their orders and shipment details. This has resulted in delays and frustration for both parties involved.
In light of this issue, I am reaching out to inquire if there is a possibility to enhance the phone number validation feature of your plugin to include a minimum and maximum length requirement. This would greatly improve the accuracy of the data entered by customers and ensure smoother communication and order processing.
I would greatly appreciate it if your team could look into this matter and provide a solution or update to address the issue at your earliest convenience. If you require any further information or clarification from my end, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you
]]>I have a problem with 9 digits phone number validation for the input type “phone” ( https://prntscr.com/nyrogy). In order to pass validation I need to put 10 digits number which is not proper phone number format in my country. Is it possible to use phone field for 9 digits phone numbers?
Thank you very much for helping me!
]]>Can you implement validation as per Google’s libphonenumber – https://intl-tel-input.com/node_modules/intl-tel-input/examples/gen/is-valid-number.html
I upgraded Contact Form 7 (I know, dumb idea in this case). That method doesn’t seem to be working. I believe it has to do with the new validation class, but I’m not quite savvy enough to work that out. Does anyone have any thoughts? I’d appreciate it!
Alan Bendele
]]>But i would like to go further with this and separate the area code from the phone number.
Any thoughts on how to validate two different “digit” fields?