]]>I can only upload 3 photos, and I’d like to add about 6 more.
When I use the Gallery upload function, it (Word Press) just hangs and I cannot upload the rest of the photos.
I even tried adding a new blog post, and I still can’t add any more photos.
I am not a Word Press whiz by any means, could someone please help me understand why my photos “hang-up” and don’t get loaded? This has happened to me numerous times, not with just the new and improved version.
Thank you in advance !!
]]>I have been trying to upload the photos that are displayed on the homepage. [on the top and the bottom]. I was successful with uploading for about ten minutes, but a few of the photos looked distorted and I was trying to fix it, so I’d delete the photos and try a different photo. Then all of the sudden, my photos were not being shown. I was getting a clear box with a small blue x in the middle. [I use Safari if that means anything.] and then I’d click on the box and it would send me to a different page and it would say, Private: Media>> then the name of the photo.
I am not well versed, scratch that, I am not versed in anything that has to do with websites. I just switched over today and I’m so frustrated, I’m about to throw my computer out the window.
Please help!
]]>I tried a plug in called Flexible Upload and even though I uploaded it to my cpanel and opened and unzipped it, it doesn’t show up in my plugin list. Is there another one I can try? I’m very tired of hassling with this photo thing which has been going on for several weeks.
]]>My site is and I’m using the A Dream to Host 2.3 theme (
Sometimes a photo will left justify (see bottom two posts on homepage) and then sometimes it will act as though I’ve hit the “none” button (see the most recent post and the about us page). Additionally I’ve found that for some reason, when viewed in IE (I use Firefox to edit and post), the “about us” photo does not display. This may be a separate issue but I thought I’d post it anyway. Anyone know what’s going on? Any help would be greatly appreciated.