I have been trying to upload new photos to our website and all of a sudden it says it can’t communicate with the uploads folder to store the files. It worked last time I tried uploading about 2 months ago. Error message “The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2016/08.”
I then updated wordpress (which I have to do manually because our hosting provider sucks) and I still have the same issue running on the most up to date wordpress. Is this a problem I have to go to my host with or is there something else I can do?? Last time I sought their help they told me that it wasn’t their problem, it was a wordpress problem (I don’t think that was true) so you can see why I’m trying to avoid this.
I can upload the photos directly into my uploads folder via FTP, but then they don’t show up in the media library. I can actually get around most of that by writing my own code and inserting the image urls, but the one thing I haven’t been able to figure out how to do is set a ‘Featured Image’ without it being in the media library.
Any ideas?
]]>1. In the dashboard window I have this message:
Your backup folder is NOT writable
To correct this issue, make the folder /home/quilter2/public_html/wp-content/backup-db writable.
2. That seems to be related to this issue, which is a known issue with WordPress, and I have seen addressed on forums, but no correction has been made, as far as I can tell. I get this error message while trying to upload a photo:
Unable to create directory uploads/2016/01. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
Yes, I have checked, and the appropriate files are all writable.
3. I have a theme I bought from MyThemeShop named Emerald. WordPress also has a theme named Emerald. I know this, because I mistakenly updated to the current version once, and it was a completely different theme. My problem now is that, for some unknown reason, WordPress wants to default to the ugly WordPress theme. I deleted that theme, re-installed my theme folder, and it still defaulted to the ugly theme. I temporarily corrected this issue by saving the theme folder under a different name. Which led to:
4. With a reinstalled theme, my woo commerce shop won’t show up in the browser. I know this is probably because of the reinstall, which I shouldn’t have had to do.
I am not a computer genius, just a humble, little quilter trying to blog, so if anyone has suggestions that doesn’t require a PhD in computer technology, I’d really appreciate it!
Here’s my site: https://quilterchic.com
I have been using NextGEN galleries to create albums of large amounts of images for a client. When I try to sort them according to file name, I receive this error message (because it is more than 1,000 images).
Warning: parse_str(): Input variables exceed 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini in /home/oti/public_html/ourranchywedding/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/admin.manage-sort.php on line 18
I really have no idea what to do with this warning message, or where to make these changes.
Any suggestions?
]]>I think it is better if it says:
“Clickea la foto chica para subir/cambiarla.”
because it makes it clear WHY they need to click it, and gives them a clearer hint on how to upload/change photos (which is what it means).
]]>Let’s say I have a folder full of photos and I want to upload them into bulk and put each as a post (or draft post) into WordPress.
Is this possible or is there an automated way to do it please?