Short codes aren’t working either??
I’ve installed all my plugins and nothing’s changed.
Please help!!
]]>when I enable this theme, none of the thumbnails show up on the frontpage and when you click on a single post there is two copies of the image.
On the new post page, I noticed that the feature image section is gone?!?
]]>Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wowpictu/public_html/wp-content/themes/photogram/functions/admin-custom.php on line 398
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/wowpictu/public_html/wp-content/themes/photogram/functions/admin-custom.php:375) in /home/wowpictu/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876
]]>I am trying to put a youtube video in the Sticky Posts Slider but it does not work. Can you let me know how I can do so?
I currently have a few posts up running in the Sticky Posts Slider. I want to add a youtube video in front of the few image slides.
]]>I just updated WordPress, and now the tags are not showing in the Photogram theme. Any clues as to what could be wrong? I am using the previous version of the theme, as there are numerous customisations I don’t want to lose.
You can see the site in question here:
Thanks for your help.
Kind regards,
Cam Gould
Pages in the menu highlight nicely in blue when that page is selected. I also feature categories in the menu, however, and though they highlight grey on hover (as a page would), when the category archive ‘page’ is selected, the menu term doesn’t highlight in the same blue colour as a page would. Is there some simple code I can add in to achieve this – and where would I add it? I have a couple of sub categories for each top category and I would also like the top category to highlight blue when the sub category page is selected.
Following on from that, I’d also like the category and sub category where relevant to show in the breadcrumb when a post is selected, and for the top category to be highlighted blue in the menu, when viewing a post relating to it.
Any advice?
]]>Great to see Photogram now on the WordPress theme list properly. I installed it from ColorLabs a few weeks ago and have to say its great, but have a few niggles, great if you can help.
1) When you set posts to say 10, the homepage shows 10 (photograph-post-type) then loads more as you scroll down. However, if you click on a photo tag to see only the photos tagged as such, it only shows 10 and will not load more. How do I fix this?
2) The photograph-post-type gallery works for only one gallery, so you have to split galleries by tagging pictures. Would it not be possible to group photos on a page or post and have a unique gallery just with them? I haven’t tried, but it looks as though the other Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest galleries would have the same issue. Either way, I prefer to hold my pictures on my site / server.
3) While the Instagram gallery works great – you click a thumnail, it enlarges and you can click on to the next while in the enlarged view – the same doesn’t work for the photograph-post-type gallery. Instead you have to click out, then click the next thumbnail. Can this be changed? I suspect that if you can fix issue number (1), this issue would also be resolved.
4) The menu is quite a beautiful design, however, while pages and child pages highlight in the menu according to which page you are on, a category shown in the main menu does not highlight. Can this be fixed?
5) Would it be possible to create a gallery of the photograph-post-type style, but without having to load each as a separate featured image in a seperate ‘photograph post’? It’s highly time consuming, and presumably is also the issue behind issues (1) and (3).
6) The breadcrumb does not display the post category. I’ve chosen not to display the /category/theactualcategory in the url (ie it shows: and then later however, even with settings changed so it does show the category in the root, the breadcrumb only shows the post title. Works perfectly for pages though.
7) Social icons. The ones to follow me are super. Great if you could include an email one too. I’d love to feature similar looking ones at the bottom of the post, or as a shortcode link, with which to share the content. I just don’t like the look of standard icons, or other plugins.
8) Could you create a shortcode to allow the posting of another slider on a page that isn’t the homepage, or a static page if using one as the homepage. Not entirely sure I want to display photo thumbs on the homepage, but do want the slider.
9) Also would be worth putting in the documentation that images should be 730px wide so as the border, when screen size reduced is not larger than the image – often goes a bit funny.
Those points aside, I must say this theme is superb. The look of it and the amount of extras included (social, widgets, seo, fonts) is awesome.
I’m using version 1.04. My WP dashboard suggests upgrading to 1.1.2, but no changelog given. The Photogram Updates section says I’m on the latest version at 1.04 though. Also, what happens by upgrading the framework? Scared of losing any changes.
Thanks for your help
]]>I am running the Photogram theme (for gallery purposes only) (, which is unsupported from the developer because it is a free theme – so help is incredibly hard to come by. Therefore, I have a few questions.
Here is my site. Don’t judge! It’s not even close to being done. & here is the main:
First, I want to reverse the background colors to match my main site (black main section, white header/footer). I would also like to change the fonts to the same as my main site.
Second, I can’t figure out how to change the number of images that show up on the home gallery page. Currently it’s only 10, but I would like it to be more.
Last but not least, it seems to be loading insaaaaaaanely slow. Is that my server or the code?
Thank you for any help that you can provide!!