I’m looking for a plugin that replicates how Tumblr handles posting photo sets — images can be arranged via drag & drop, “breaks” between rows can be set manually, and the images are automatically resized to fill the space in each row. So photos can be very purposely laid out, for example:
image 1
image 2 / image 3
image 5 / 6
image 7
image 8 / image 9 / image 10
With various gallery block plugins, it seems that this can be done by hand by adding separate blocks for each “row” and tediously configuring each one for one column, three columns, etc. Tumblr makes this much quicker and more intuitive, but there doesn’t seem to be a WP plugin equivalent.
Any ideas or help? I’m looking to build a blog with photo sets spanning 15+ years, and the thought of having to slowly add gallery block after gallery block is daunting, but I also want more control over how my photos are arranged and relate to one another.
Thanks in advance!
]]>When we go to the “Photoset/Album Headers(Standalone Photosets/Albums)” we don’t see an option to change the number of images per row? Is this possible?
]]>[flickralbum type="flickr" view='photos' photoset_id='72157698383423774' media='all' tag_mode='any' layout='no-strip' caption='title' thumb_size='n' main_size='b']
1- Any way to disable the album cover above the images? (says Reno, NV, 51 photos)
2 – i tried changing lightboxes to no effect. Possible to have the images pop up (lightbox) and go full screen?
Many thanks, i will donate if i can use this,
Following the closure of Picasa, I transferred my photos to Flickr. I still use Photonic because I love this application. But I meet some very weird problems with it. (The pictures are at the end of the article every time.)
1- All photos are not displayed :
Ex: There are 14 photos in my Flickr photoset, 9 appears only..
Article: https://kekelmb.franceserv.com/disiz-olympia-paris-2013/
Gallery : https://www.flickr.com/photos/143018486@N07/sets/72157670507578890
2- The counter is wrong:
Ex : Photonic writes 6 photos while there are many more…
Article: https://kekelmb.franceserv.com/jenifer-zenith-paris-2013/
3- The title of the gallery does not appear …
Ex : https://kekelmb.franceserv.com/johnny-hallyday-born-rocker-tour-bercy-paris-2013/
Code :
This is exactly the same code each time. I do not understand…
Thank you for your help !
]]>Sometimes photoset doesn’t appear in field.
There is a time that plugin awaits to reload photoset list?
Maybe i have to change “admin cache” parameter?…
]]>This is the collection: https://www.flickr.com/photos/me/collections/72157663953537553/
And this is the test page: https://dev.asipiaruba2016.com/prueba-del-photonic/
Another little thing, I’d like to show the titles under the album thumbnail. Is it configuration? I haven’t found a way to do so.
]]>I have two questions:
With Photoset, the captions completely cover the smaller photos, which is pretty ugly. This happens with or without lightbox enabled.
Here’s a screenshot of captions covering Photoset photos.
I could remove the captions from the photos, but need them for other displays.
Also, no captions are displayed in the lightbox; only the title of the photo.
Is there a way to:
a) remove the captions from the Photoset display (or alternatively see them only on hover)?
b) show the captions in the lightbox?
I am using ASE 1.1, Literatum theme 1.3.9 and (self-hosted) WordPress 4.3.1.