<?php elseif ($userInfo->country->isoCode == ‘US’) { ?>
how can i use STATES with country code or directly with state, there is CONTINENT->CODE == that i reached however for states, i didn’t. i just want to add
->country->isocode ==’us’ && “”state->code”” ==’texas’) for example
is there anyone to tried it? i didn’t find any documentation about it
]]>I am using UM signup form in my site, I want welcome sms to be sent to registered user ( i am taking mobile number in form). After completing sign up process.
I have php api for from my bulk sms provider. Can anyone please help me where to put that and how to use meta tags ( mobile number, name, user id, selected user role) in sms .
Using textlocal for sms.
Api for php :
// Authorisation details.
$username = “[email protected]”;
$hash = “66ade0f0c30253145b390866621d163eccbd52181466b0205aee7ba2e6d9ea82”;
// Config variables. Consult https://api.textlocal.in/docs for more info.
$test = “0”;
// Data for text message. This is the text message data.
$sender = “TXTLCL”; // This is who the message appears to be from.
$numbers = “910000000000”; // A single number or a comma-seperated list of numbers
$message = “This is a test message from the PHP API script.”;
// 612 chars or less
// A single number or a comma-seperated list of numbers
$message = urlencode($message);
$data = “username=”.$username.”&hash=”.$hash.”&message=”.$message.”&sender=”.$sender.”&numbers=”.$numbers.”&test=”.$test;
$ch = curl_init(‘https://api.textlocal.in/send/?’);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch); // This is the result from the API
I need to add redirections rules via PHP in some kind of batch job.
is there any official API in this plugin to archive such functionality?
Best Regard!
]]>I want to programm an plugin for my website, which should be actually an api which returns for every user his own specific data (json files in the filesystem). For user access I want to use built-in functions and functions delivered from other plugins has_user_access(user, area) for example from an other plugin. So if I want to use those wordpress functions I cant write only a .php file and place it somewhere, because the wordpress functions are not included here.
So I found 3 solutions around at the moment:
1. Somewhere I found, that you can write a .php file and include wp_load.php. But that method seems not to be recommended.
2. Next I thought about writing a custom page template, which includes only my php code and does not use page content functions like header, footer, the_content and bind that page to a subpage. So when that subpage is called for example website/myapi the php code inside the page template handles the request and gives only back the json file and I can use the wordpress functions I need inside it.
3. Use the official Wordpres Rest API Plugin. But it seems a little bit overkill for the purpose to give json files from the filesystem back since I can do the user control with existing functions and not need the authentication methods of the Rest API?
1 seems to be really bad so I will choose 2 or 3. What do you think about solution 2. Are there any disadvantages? Should I better use solution 3?
Best regards,
]]>WP-Piwik 0.9.4 contains the first beta version of PHP API support. I want to use this thread to collect known issues about this, hopefully to resolve most of them in 0.9.5.