i found your plugin, and would like to know if you can help ($$) to migrate a small forum (under 20 users, and 100 topics) in wordpress bbpress ?
]]>Seem to me this problem affect ONLY the WP user with ID 1, the install admin on WP. (for what i’ve test)
the function pass correct values to check, but CheckPassword in class-phpass.php return false, the pass not match.
still i have not understand why it happen and happen ONLY for admin user, with ID 1 on Wp (as my test): the pass check in WP fail. I need to take a look into, the problem isn’t the above probably, also if, on my localhost for example, all work fine also for WP userid 1! This in true i’ve not understand, and maybe confuse me. Something go wrong in WP_w3all or somewhere else in this strange to me (at moment) case.
This the procedure to resolve and get working wp_w3all on a domain/subdomain install and/or about WP admin ID 1 can’t login:
About WP admin can’t login:
The admin with ID 1 in WP, you should result logged ok when visiting WP, if previously logged in phpBB.
You can create another admin in WP and use it instead of the default install WP admin.
Add him manually in phpBB also.
Or add him in phpBB, so login to WP.
Both should result ok, and the user recognized and correctly logged in WP.
I’ve try out subscriber and not default, admin accounts, all working fine.
About subdomain install:
To install wp_w3all i have use the custom config.php option, as we are here in subdomain. I’ve see it was not working about connession. It was failing because, the custom wp_w3all phpBB config.php file, was lacking the follow setting, which was REQUIRED to connect on my/this server correctly (as on plesk config setting i had set allow only from localhost connections), so:
$w3all_dbhost = ‘localhost’;
$w3all_dbport = ‘3306’;
(this my setting, check your host/port)
So, on phpBB ACP cookie setting:
i had as default phpBB cookie value:
i’ve modify it to:
I have also set admin of phpBB with same email of WP (i do not have test what would happen if i had not do this, should be the same, but i have not test). I’ll return over this.
SO I HAVE CLEAN COOKIES on browser, and i have relogin phpBB, so opening WP as logged in in phpBB, all work well … logged in, all work nice.
Remember that in some circumstances (not clear at moment of this post), the WP admin with ID 1, the default install admin, fail login into WP. Login phpBB, so point this user to WP and you’ll be logged in.
(For security reasons by the way, should be not good practice to have an administrator named admin: commonly it should be removed and replaced by someone not so clear as one named admin, if no other security measures applied on wp)
P.s all the above suppose you have follow also steps about phpBB WordPress integration here:
The complete post:
]]>= 1.5.4 =
*Release Date – 7 Nov, 2016** Fix avatars bug. Should be the definitive fix to resolve all reported bugs about avatars.
* Fix more secondary bugs.
* Fix some English hints on WP_w3all admin config page.
* Fix error user already added on login when user added from phpBB into WP (on first time login on WP).
* Fix avatar on Last Topics Widget bug when no number for avatars to retrieve was set on admin WP_w3all config.
But all is ready to add all others profile fields, like Facebook, Google, signature …
about signature in phpBB: should be used to be updated between what in WP? Biographical Info?
Instead about Facebook and others profile phpBB fields the question is this:
exist a default WP way to add this fields for WP user profile? I mean, if a plugin about Facebook etc is installed in WP, is sure that will have same fields on DB respect another Facebook plugin? Or as i think, they use arbitrary name?
Exist a WordPress plugin about these profile fileds for users, i mean one done by WordPress like WP Turbo Cache or others …
]]>Please report if still some evil somewhere!
]]>= 1.3.2 =
* Fix users transfer, that can be executed safely also more than one time consecutively
* Deactivated/activated/banned (no role user) user in WP admin, is deactivated/activated on phpBB. Deactivated/banned etc user in phpBB ACP is auto deactivated only on user WP onlogin
* More important fixes
Please report if any problem!
]]>Need to mention the help of user Falcon (he have a nice site!) at https://www.axew3.com/w3/forum/ for persistent tests helping understanding/revealing bugs to be fixed.
]]>Fixed user transfer procedure!
The plugin really return a sufficient experience with modal css login on iframe without javascirpt. But it need to be fixed to be better on redirection and more, also if at moment all seem acceptable as result.
Hope the modal css3 way will be good for the most.
Please report any problems, or help!