I’ve made it work with one project archive as described in the FAQ, but can’t seem to make it work for more than one project archive.
]]>I have the site title on the left side of the header, and I wish to add an image to the right side.
How would I go about adding an image to the right side of the header, while keeping the site title text on the left?
]]>I have since figured out how to replace the Image on the homepage of the theme pilotfish. this is no longer a problem.
How to change the text colour throughout the site?
What I do need to know now though is, how can I change the text colour so that it’s the same colour throughout the site? Currently it is a like a burgundy colour when the background colour is black and the main writing for my posts is like a pale blue and it just doesn’t rest well on my eyes.
How to change the hover over colour in the menu bar?
Also the hover over colour from the menu bar is like a mustard yellow colour and again, it’s not that nice to look at, any suggestions on how to change this?
How to put a portfolio page onto the selected page?
I have followed instructions on here to put a portfolio page onto my site. I want it to show my art work and photography, it is listed in the menu “Art”.
“Initial Set Up
To display the portfolio page:
Create a new page, and set the page template to “Project Archive“, then change the slug to “project“. Or add the custom link “https://yoursitename.com/project/” to your menu. You may need to update your “Permalinks” under “Settings” in the Admin Panel for the page to work.”
can somebody please give me a breakdown of how to do this please. it says change the slug but where can i find the slug? if it’s where I thought it was then I tried and it only gave me one box that has nothing inside it with my title “art” in the middle. very frustrating.
the link to my site is href=”https://itchyfeet.org.uk”>
please anybody your help will be more than appreciated!
]]>I have followed all guidelines and tutorials to get to where I need to be.
How do I replace the home page cover photo of the tree’s with one of my own via FTP?
I don’t have a clue how to do it and in need of some help.
Using the Editor I went to the Pilot Fish Style Sheet. Under
Featured Content, I changed the background-image url (“home_banner.jpg”) with the url of an image I have stored in my media library. This is what it looks like:
/* Featured Content */
#featured {
background-attachment: fixed;
background-image: url(https://yoga.jilldpatton.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/JK-view-up-tree.jpg)
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center top;
height: 380px;
display: block;
text-align: center;
The first several times I tried this, nothing happened. Eventually the Bavarian Forest image disappeared altogether, but my image never showed up. I have no idea what I did!
I began to try the suggested approach where I would rename my desired background picture “home_banner.jpg” and upload my image to:
I tried to get to this site by literally using “yoursitename.com” which redirects to a web hosting service, and to use “yoga.jilldpatton.com/wordpress.wp-content/themes/pilot-fish/images”, which gives me a 404 dead-end error message.
I didn’t get any further than that (I haven’t renamed my file or figured out how to ftp it …)
Help! Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?
Thank you!