Thank you for your plugin.
We are based in Europe using a prime server hosting company for our website. We strive to make our websites load around or under 2s.
According to our GTMetrix loading time history, seems like Jetpack was working well until beginning April 2020 when our load time was 2.7s. On checking it today, it took 5 seconds to load. Not sure if there was any Jetpack plugin update that caused this.
While looking for a solution, we found out this support thread here from 7 months ago (link to another support thread)
The image (50kb) was taking 2 seconds to load, please, check screenshot here Link to screenshot 1
When we disabled Jetpack, the size of our home page went up from 721kb to 919 kb, but requests to server fell from 59 to only 26 and load time fell from 5s to 2.2s Link to screenshot 2.
Hope this information helps you guys
Thank you
]]>Initially, I thought I was having issues with the request to but now that seems to have not been the issue. After deactivating all the individual modules at wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack_modules I’ve discovered that the plugin is no longer requesting anything from that address but the problem persists. This red herring may have thrown many off the solution in the past if they were having the same issue.
It seems somehow the plugin is making my main page document take a very long time to load. I’m guessing it is due to the time it is taking for php to build the page but since my cpu usage (via top) doesn’t seem high it seems that something is blocking the operation. That combined with the fact that it does not happen all of the time makes this rather complicated. To replicate I need to simply go to my site to navigate between a few pages. It may not happen on the first page but it will happen.
Does anyone have any ideas of what may be causing this issue? Has anyone experienced similar issues? Since it is during the main document I wonder if it dislikes the theme but I am unable to change themes so if that is the issue I’ll need to find another solution. Also, since Jetpack won’t allow me to properly test it in my dev environment (there seriously need to be a solution to this) I am limited in my testing as the website needs to stay up. I tried using const JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG = TRUE; in my wp-config.php to test but for whatever reason it does not replicate the same behavior so I’m stuck playing with the live site. As a positive, the site seems to work and no functionality is broken it is just the painful load times.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
]]>I’m seeing 400 and 499 errors on client sites from Any idea how to troubleshoot this? Jetpack 5.3, WP 4.8.2.
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 499 ()
w.js Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 499 ()
mrp.js?adcca7562b9ef97d9dfa34de0eca2eb3:1915 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check
request @ mrp.js?adcca7562b9ef97d9dfa34de0eca2eb3:1915
syndication Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (){%22beacons%22:[|c%22]} Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 499 (){%22beacons%22:[|c%22]} Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 499 () Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 499 () Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 499 (){%22beacons%22:[|ms%22]} Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 499 ()
When doing bulk edits in the admin interface (like adding/removing tags or categories to/from posts) I’m seeing “Waiting for…” in the browser status bar.
I think the only connection to a self-hosted site has is Jetpack, and was under the impression that has to do with the Statistics module – however, even after disabling Jetpack Statistics, I still see the “Waiting for…” message doing bulk edits.
I don’t see this message when I’m visiting my site NOT being logged in so it doesn’t seem to be a general problem, but while I’m logged in, things seem to get slowed down quite a bit, waiting for…
Any clues?