Does anyone have any suggestions for what could have happened or how to try to fix it?
]]>I have not posted to my wordpress site in a while, but keep it reasonably updated and haven’t made any changes or deleted any important files that I am aware of. The spam filter is not working now and the spam comments are pouring in. Any help much appreciated!
]]>I am having some trouble with bbpress. I created a page called “community” and inserted the bbpress shortcode for the entire forum index.
It showed up fine when I had the sidebar on the right, but I didn’t want the sidebar showing so I chose that the page would have a full width template.
Now the bbpress insert is spilling over the edge of the page and I dont know why? You can see here :
]]>I am thinking that the antivirus plugin may be to sensitive?
]]>I want to be able to create something similar to the boxes with images and the title placed on the top as in this example . My theme doesn’t currently allow the placing of sidebars adjacent to boxes but that should be fixed in the next release, however, I would like some ideas about how i could achieve a similar look using a plugin or coding in the HTML content area (note the rollover isn’t required). The theme is platform pro.
]]>Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘Array’ was given in …/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 405
You can see the website here:
To see the thickbox error, click on ‘The Flat’ icon under the video.
Here is the shortcode I am using for the icon: [thkBC id=”49″ height=”500″ width=”500″ anchortext='<img src=”” />’ title=”The Hotel” type=”iframe”]
I made sure to set the page to the Thickbox Content.
Any idea on how to fix this will be greatly appreciated. I am currently using the pagelines Platform Pro theme.
]]>I am using Platform Pro for my theme and my site is a multi-author site. This theme has a lot of features which I do not want authors to be using because they may basically alter how the site looks like. So I tried to “declutter” the author write panel and tried removing some of the Platform Pro Settings (i.e options to insert ads to their posts and remove page sidebars) using Adminimize but to my surprise Adminimize is not listing these features to be removed.
(Basically, I’d like the author write panel to be just a simple one – “quick press simple” to be exact)
I have tried deactivating and then activating the plugin to somehow “reboot” it to complete its list but still the same. I also tried WP-CMS Post Control but the same result. Can anyone suggest any other workaround (hopefully another plug in). I hate to go through the theme’s editor because it is sooo complicated. Thanks.