]]>I am trying to create a dynamic playlist according to this example you give in docs:
it works fine, but i cannot add titles, and the last time position feature is not working.
how can i solve this issues?
]]>Thanks for help
]]>I have a single-show.php in the theme and I’ve tried by adding orderby into the code, however I’m not a coder/expert at wordpress..
<div class=”fltlft inner-col-2″>
<div class=”bk-header”><div class=”bk-title”><h3><?php the_title(); ?>’s Tracklistings</h3></div></div>
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[get-playlists show=”‘.get_the_ID().'” limit=”20″ orderby=”Published” order=”DESC”]’); ?>
Can anyone advise how best to do this?
]]>I tested the player and most of the playlists didn’t work at at all. For some reason, now the player is only showing me to versions: simple playlist and thumbnail playlists….
If you click on the second video, since it has a different size, it opens the player erratically, messing up the lay out, and looking very unprofessional as well. Ideally, there would be a thumbnail playlist that triggers a Light box to a Fixed Height and size, and option to go full screen.
On the thumbnail playlist (see sample page), there’ no much control on the thumbnail sizes. Only the width can be set, no custom sizes, which make the playlist look very unprofessional.
This player is great for Single video (Single Player, without playlists), but it has one major drawback: When the subtitles list is too long, they are cut off on the player, and the player doesn’t scroll up to be able to access all the subtitles. Here’s a sample with a player with a long subtitles list:
There were other issues with the other playlist styles, mainly that the player didn’t show up on the page, but since I am not getting all those other playlist styles in my admin area, I can’t comment on those for now.
Super Video Player Pro:
Same issues, and it does not give you option to add caption/subtitles on playlists, only on single video player.