See the developer documentation if you don’t believe us.
the link behind “See the developer documentation” 404’s
]]>After reading the description, available plugin information, and looking at the screen shots, Yesterday, I installed it — The ‘Authors’ have put together a great marketing ‘brochure” to promote their plugin! It boasts:
“Create responsive data tables with sorting, searching, pagination, filtering and more. Easy-to-use tables, charts and data management.”
“Create diagrams, charts and graphics instantly and with lots of essential parameters, that you dreamed about for such a long time!”
So, to test it out, I inserted some test data in a table and clicked to transform the data into a Chart – surprise, surprise! it opens the page to go ‘PRO’ and pay for it.
I understand that as a business, they a have the right to charge for their work and product. But, it is the deceptive marketing tactic that makes it a ‘Bait and Switch’ operation rather than an honest business.
The plugin description no where states that those features (generating Google charts) are NOT included in the free version.
That’s not Not Good!
Note 1: I use a lot of Freemium Plugins. All the ones that I use clearly describe what features are included in the free version and what is available in the paid (pro) version.
Note 2 – to the authors: If the chart conversion feature is available in the free version, and I somehow overlooked it, please advise and I will update this review.
Update Note – The plugin Authors responded that they will be taking corrective steps to fix the issue of ‘deceptive description’. With that done, users will have a clear idea of what they are getting. I am also changing my rating – to a sort of neutral, to 3 star.
]]>“news Ticker is a multi-functional data display plugin. Easily add custom news tickers to your site either through shortcodes, direct functions, or in a custom Ditty News Ticker Widget.”
I’m glad to see that the plugin is your own code… I wasn’t sure when I first saw the description. Good luck with your plugin!
]]>” … you should create a newly table as a better case.”
]]>I have no problem with plugins or some of their features not being free, as long as these are clearly stated and what you see is what you get. But this plugin’s descriptions seems to be a bit on the side of misleading.
If my understanding is wrong, please kindly inform. Otherwise I appreciate an update of the description with a clear distinction of what is free and what is premium. So that, people do not hit surprises when they install it.
]]>I can vaguely see a slight colour variation with regard to the background of each plugin listing depending upon whether it is activated or deactivated but it is very hard for me to see, so I would like to change the text for deactivated plugin names from Black to Red, this will help me visually.
So can this be done?
]]>The the Other Notes section in the readme.txt file is much longer and contains helpful information about the plugin. It would be great if all the notes would be visible on the plugins page.
Why is only a part of the information visible?
Is it beacuse of irregular characters in this readme.txt?
Or is there a limit for the characters?
Is there maybe limit for the characters per line?
We are working on wordpress multi.So, Is there any way to add multilingual description?
We can translate plugins but description, how?