Trying to solve an issue with a website where I’m using Minimalist Blogger, but also using the plugin Podlove. Below the header and the Upper Widgets, I have a feed of all the Podlove Episodes in reverse chronological order.
I’m trying to configure the display of the feed, as its giving me huge images and I can’t find a place to configure it in either Podlove or the theme.
It’s important to note, that while this is displaying on the default page, and is effectively the homepage of the site, it’s not actually a wordpress post or page, it’s just widgets and feed. As far as I can tell, this gets referred to in WordPress as the “front” page.
Does anyone have recommendations for what to look at? I’ve scoured all the menus.
Thank you!
I’m using Matomo on my website for analytics, but am having issues with it, since i started using the plugin podlove publisher.
Whenever I try to visit the Matomo-Admin-Dashboard, I’m getting an Error-Page: Cache not supported.
As I’ve found out, podlove- is causing this because of some function named ‘device-detector’ from piwik (which is now named matomo). I was wondering if there was a workaround to force-use matomos device-detector or maybe a way to disable the device-detector feature altogether.
I’m using Matomo on my website for analytics, but am having issues with it, since i started using the plugin podlove publisher.
Whenever I try to visit the Matomo-Admin-Dashboard, I’m getting an Error-Page: Cache not supported.
As I’ve found out, the podlove-plugin is causing this because of some function named ‘device-detector’ from piwik (which is now named matomo). I was wondering if there was a workaround to force-use matomos device-detector or maybe there is an update planned for this issue.
does someone of you maybe know how to integrate chapter marks within the podlove web player plugin? Thanks a lot in advance.
best wishes
]]>Using Firefox browser…
Press download icon
Press audio
Press Back button
When you press the back button, it embeds the whole page within the page.
I am trying to set up Podlove for hours and don′t get my MP3 file to play.
I followed the video instructions, I set up all the assets, I uploaded my MP3 in a custom named folder ‘podcasts’ in directory path ‘/home/MYINSTALL/public_html/wp-content/uploads/podcasts/’. I then set up my media path in the options as
This is what happens: I can reach the MP3 on the server, it plays just well. Also, the file is well received in the Podcast template, it′s given green light being recognized, I can even calculate its length there by clicking the button, and if I click the proven (bluish) link in the podcast template (just like in the video tutorial!) it all works fine! I can reach the file and play it in the browser.
But nevertheless, on the published podcasts I always get this when pressing PLAY: “Es konnten keine Audio Dateien vom Server geladen werden. Entweder du hast gerade keine Verbindung zum Internet oder die Dateien sind nicht auf dem Server verfügbar.”
I tried without the extra Player installed – as I understood it should work out of the box and automatically insert a functioning player, but the above mentioned failure stays persistent no matter what.
When I try with the other extra player plugin installed, the exact same error occurs.
I am guessing it has to do with my media path…maybe I am missing something?
Also, when trying to download the file in the player by the Icon/ Button it gives me a funny link like: ‘’.
I see no connection by any means between this link structure and the media path I set up. Might this be the problem? And how would I solve it!
Also, in the Debug in the plugin settings it seems that my file is trying to be grabbed with a second ‘.mp3’ at the end. ‘’ I am trying to find out where this could happen in Podlove, as the original file dows not have this problem in its title!
Thanks for any insights, I really love the plugin, the appearance and the player interface. Best thing out there! Just cannot get it to work!
]]>there is a bug with Elementor and this plugin:
As soon as i want to edit a existing episode and change from wordpress editor (Gutenberg) to Elementor a error is showing that the the_content function is Not included in template.
What can i do if i want to edit with Elementor?
Is there an easy fix with a magical tweak to the code?
Something goes wrong and all shop pages including cart and my account generate error 404. This can be resolved by refreshing permalinks.
Thats crazy enough – but it only happens when podlove plugin is active.
I want to keep using this plugin but I don’t see how as long as it keeps breaking my shop.
any ideas?