First, I love the PODS CMS plugin – it is a fantastic tool!
I am developing a CMS for a client and until my last WordPress upgrade (to 3.6) all was well. I am now experiencing an issue with any field that is of type “Relationship” in all of my PODS.
ISSUE DESCRIPTION: I have a POD called “Franchise” that has a handful of custom fields, including a field called “Franchise Name” that is a drop down select field (Relationship). I have the custom defined options entered as value|Title, where each entry is on a seperate line.
For this example the custom defined options are:
asheville_north_carolina|Asheville, North Carolina
atlanta_georgia|Atlanta, Georgia
charlotte_north_carolina|Charlotte, North Carolina
I am expecting the drop down box to show the following selections:
Asheville, North Carolina
Atlanta, Georgia
Charlotte, North Carolina
Instead, I am seeing a single drop down entry as follows (all the entries appear to be a single string of text seperated by the letter n):
corporate|Corporatenasheville_north_carolina|Asheville, North Carolinanatlanta_georgia|Atlanta, Georgiancharlotte_north_carolina|Charlotte, North Carolina
Prior to my upgrade to WordPress 3.6 there was no issue.
Can you assist?
]]>First, I love the PODS CMS plugin – it is a fantastic tool!
I am developing a CMS for a client and until my last WordPress upgrade (to 3.6) all was well. I am now experiencing an issue with any field that is of type “Relationship” in all of my PODS.
ISSUE DESCRIPTION: I have a POD called “Franchise” that has a handful of custom fields, including a field called “Franchise Name” that is a drop down select field (Relationship). I have the custom defined options entered as value|Title, where each entry is on a seperate line.
For this example the custom defined options are:
asheville_north_carolina|Asheville, North Carolina
atlanta_georgia|Atlanta, Georgia
charlotte_north_carolina|Charlotte, North Carolina
I am expecting the drop down box to show the following selections:
Asheville, North Carolina
Atlanta, Georgia
Charlotte, North Carolina
Instead, I am seeing a single drop down entry as follows (all the entries appear to be a single string of text seperated by the letter n):
corporate|Corporatenasheville_north_carolina|Asheville, North Carolinanatlanta_georgia|Atlanta, Georgiancharlotte_north_carolina|Charlotte, North Carolina
Prior to my upgrade to WordPress 3.6 there was no issue.
Can you assist?
]]>So I turned Pods back on. Page came up but the slides still don’t appear. I did use Meteor on a non-Pods page (homepage….recently dumped the slideshow in favor of an embedded YouTube video) and the slideshow always appeared. So I’m thinking it’s a Pods issue. Is it?
]]>SQL failed; SQL: Select id FROM wp_6_pod_fields WHERE coltype='file'; Response: Table xxx doesn't exist.
]]>I’ve set up a form with pods cms plugin which when saved creates a new user account and random password and then emails this to the new user (wpmu_welcome_user_notification($user_id, $random_password);
It all works fine apart from that I need the password to show in the email instead of “Password: [User Set]”.
I can’t seem to work out how to change this. Any ideas?
]]>I’m trying to work with both Custom Field Template and Pods CMS.
I’m creating a blogging n’ coffee website, where the purpose of each post would be first a discussion of a current local topic and would then end with an entry from my local coffee shop list (populated by Pods CMS).
Using pods, I would enter this line of code into the post when choosing a shop to showcase:
[pods name="coffee_houses" slug="@slug" template="coffeehouse_detail"]
Now, I’m lazy. So I want to use Custom Field Template to auto generate the link above for me at the bottom of each post.
I thought I could use the “before” and “after” options, and though the link is shown beautifully on the wp-admin/post.php page where you would see custom fields (all I have to do is type in the slug name in a text-field box right between the before and after); it doesn’t translate as I was hoping it would to the post.
Instead of (as shown in the custom field box beneath the post text area):
[pods name="coffee_houses" slug="MYCAFE" template="coffeehouse_detail"]
I get:
So is there any way to echo what is written for the “before” and “after” values directly to the post?
I even tried entering the before and after bits of code into the Global Settings where: “Text to place before every value which is called by the cft shortcode:” but it simply ignores what I’ve entered and resumes using the <li>
for each box option.
OR is there something I’m missing that can be easily done with Pods CMS?
I’m a newbie/hobbiest – all I know about php/cms/etc is self taught… so I don’t know much. :\
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>I’ve wordpress 3 and I just installed pod cms, is a good tool.
My site displays permalinks? P = 123, id number, I want to keep this structure could let me know what code should I change in pods cms
thank you