What files would have database pointers in them that I would have to change? Or **would** I have to change any files? I mean, if the IP of the server, the DB name/pws, etc. stay the same, would any changes be necessary? thanks.
]]>{"error":"redirect_uri_mismatch","error_description":"The redirect URI provided is missing or does not match","error_uri":"#section-3.1.2"}
This is after I login via wordpress credentials.
Rocket chat asks for the below info:
Identity Path
Authorize Path
Identity Token Sent Via
Token Path
I believe my issue is because of an incorrect configuration but I cant map the info from the plugin:
Authorize Endpoint: https://domain.com/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-oauth-20-server/web/moserver/authorize
Access Token Endpoint: https://domain.com/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-oauth-20-server/web/moserver/token
Get User Info Endpoint: https://domain.com/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-oauth-20-server/web/moserver/resource
How do I match these up or connect this to rocketchat?
THANK YOU!!! I’ve been struggling with different plugins and different methods and this is the only method that has gotten me anywhere.
]]>function wptuts_pointer_load( $hook_suffix ) {
// Don't run on WP < 3.3
if ( get_bloginfo( 'version' ) < '3.3' )
$screen = get_current_screen();
$screen_id = $screen->id;
// Get pointers for this screen
$pointers = apply_filters( 'wptuts_admin_pointers-wen_skill', array() );
if ( ! $pointers || ! is_array( $pointers ) )
// Get dismissed pointers
$dismissed = explode( ',', (string) get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'dismissed_wp_pointers', true ) );
$valid_pointers =array();
// Check pointers and remove dismissed ones.
foreach ( $pointers as $pointer_id => $pointer ) {
// Sanity check
if ( in_array( $pointer_id, $dismissed ) || empty( $pointer ) || empty( $pointer_id ) || empty( $pointer['target'] ) || empty( $pointer['options'] ) )
$pointer['pointer_id'] = $pointer_id;
// Add the pointer to $valid_pointers array
$valid_pointers['pointers'][] = $pointer;
// No valid pointers? Stop here.
if ( empty( $valid_pointers ) )
// Add pointers style to queue.
wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-pointer' );
// Add pointers script to queue. Add custom script.
wp_enqueue_script( 'wptuts-pointer', plugins_url( 'js/wptuts-pointer.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'wp-pointer' ) );
// Add pointer options to script.
wp_localize_script( 'wptuts-pointer', 'wptutsPointer', $valid_pointers );
function wptuts_register_pointer_testing( $p ) {
$p['abf'] = array(
'target' => '#wen_skill_charts_settings_metabox',
'options' => array(
'content' => sprintf( '<h3> %s </h3> <p> %s </p>',
__( 'Title' ,'plugindomain'),
__( 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.','plugindomain')
'position' => array( 'edge' => 'left', 'align' => 'middle' )
$p['cgi'] = array(
'target' => '#wen_skill_charts_content_skills',
'options' => array(
'content' => sprintf( '<h3> %s </h3> <p> %s </p>',
__( 'Title' ,'plugindomain'),
__( 'New Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.','plugindomain')
'position' => array( 'edge' => 'bottom', 'align' => 'middle' )
return $p;
And the js:
jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
function wptuts_open_pointer(i) {
//pointer = wptutsPointer.pointers[i];
$.each(wptutsPointer.pointers, function (index, value) {
options = $.extend( wptutsPointer.pointers.options, {
close: function() {
$.post( ajaxurl, {
pointer: value.pointer_id,
action: 'dismiss-wp-pointer'
$(value.target).pointer(value.options ).pointer('open');
Any help would be highly appreciated.
]]>Sorry for my english i’m french and we’re not good in languages ^^’
I write to the support where I buy my theme, but i don’t receive answer, maybe you could help me …
This is the log :
Duration: 28 min 10 sec
[14:16:22] Leopold: Hi, i don’t remember the number of transaction that I use for my build, but i use the mail adress [email protected] . I have some problems with the menu, you can see on affutage2000.fr, can you fix it ? Thanks, Léopold
[14:16:25] Jack: Hello. You have successfully connected to the Technical Support operator. My name is Jack, please wait one moment while I review the information you have provided. Thank you.
[14:18:35] Jack: What is the issue that you need my help with?
[14:19:33] Leopold: with the menu, i see utf8-f347 and not pointers
[14:19:44] Jack: Please, provide me with your site URL. I need it to check your issue.
[14:19:45] Leopold: and pointers isn’t on the good position !
[14:19:52] Leopold: www.affutage2000.fr
[14:19:53] Jack: alright
[14:21:31] Jack: alright
[14:22:00] Jack: Can you tell me after what changes did the issue appear?
[14:22:51] Leopold: i send you an image
[14:22:54] Leopold: for the problem
[14:22:59] Jack: alright
[14:24:42] Leopold: File problem.png has been successfully uploaded. Please download: https://dl.template-help.com/3e32f971e1e3ed0a8e21353c2a7ee726.php?lang=en&dl=true
[14:24:48] Leopold: when i log in administrator, the pointers appears …
[14:24:52] Jack: alright
[14:25:05] Jack: But as a simple user, right?
[14:26:21] Leopold: i send you an other picture
[14:26:23] Leopold: File problem2.png has been successfully uploaded. Please download: https://dl.template-help.com/92f7e5a5f2000fcf7ce809c747f1c067.php?lang=en&dl=true
[14:26:56] Jack: alright
[14:27:17] Leopold: In all case, the pointers isn’t on good position.
[14:28:16] Jack: alright
[14:31:35] Leopold: Also the motopress licence don’t work, i receive a mail with this code : 43aef6917fcbf97b7d57fcb01106aff3
[14:31:36] Jack: Did the issue appear right after installation?
[14:31:51] Leopold: no
[14:31:53] Jack: alright
[14:35:43] Jack: This problem is going to take some extra attention and cannot be solved without looking into it closer. Please, provide us with your FTP details, which are necessary to solve your issue. We will thoroughly look the issue over and get back to you within next 4 – 24 hours.
[14:37:23] Jack: If you could please type any message in the chat window to avoid disconnection. Thank you!
[14:38:45] Leopold: I’m sorry i don’t have this informations now
[14:39:15] Leopold: could you resend me this message and i search in the next hour all of this.
[14:39:45] Jack: Please contact us again as soon as you have the credentials!
[14:39:49] Jack: We are available 24/7
[14:40:33] Leopold: I have now !
[14:40:38] Leopold: Please resend the message
[14:40:59] Jack: sure
[14:42:15] Jack: Thanks
[14:43:21] Leopold: Now i need to stay your answer by mail exactly ?
[14:43:36] Jack: yes
[14:43:42] Jack: We will reply within next 4-24 hours
[14:43:46] Leopold: Ticket Sending…
[14:43:48] Jack: Ticket has been successfully submitted. TicketID: TIU-799-47897. Shortly you will receive an e-mail with your ticket details.
[14:44:01] Leopold: ok, thank you very much ! I waiting.
[14:44:04] Jack: You’re welcome.
[14:44:06] Jack: Feel free to rejoin our chat again if you need our further assistance. I will be glad to assist you again.
[14:44:06] Jack: Good Bye.
[14:44:26] Leopold: Good bye !
I deleted the contains of admin panel and ftp …
Thanks for your help !
Currently, we noticed that when clicking on the next or previous button of the form to go from one page of the form to another one the button does not take you to the beginning of the form. Is there a way to make the next or previous button point to the first question ?? We don’t want our users to have to scroll and miss questions which we want to collect, because they don’t notice they have to scroll up in their browsers. Especially in mobile.