Filename: wp-content/plugins/ccode.php
File Type: Not a core, theme, or plugin file from
Bad URL:
Details: This file contains a URL that is currently listed on Wordfence’s domain blacklist. The URL is:
and the code in the file is
[ Deleted, do not post malware code on this site again ]
]]>I accessed my blog with another computer and didn’t see it, so I’m hoping it’s not appearing to the general public.
But why is it showing up on mine, and how can I get rid of it?
My site is LivingByFaithBlog — dot — com.
Thanks for your help!
]]>Is this available and I’m just not seeing it?
I can only find the option to add an interstitial to a specific post (which is great) but not a category of posts, say “videos”, so that the ads only pop up on posts categorized as videos.
Thanks for you help in advance!
]]>See an example of this here using Internet Explorer on a PC.