I have a shopping cart with several different PPOM menus operating as pull down choices. One particular selection, if chosen, I’d like it to pop up a warning window, basically a notice that shipping is available only for a particular region. Is that possible to do within PPOM?
]]>“We would like to notify you that a malicious code was detected on newly uploaded/edited files that are part of your website lonniebusch.com. The permissions of the detected files have been changed and they are currently?not executable.”
I restored my website from Siteground’s backups, then updated my website and plugins. When I did, I got a curious behavior from my Backups Migration plugin, an annoying popup window prompting me to click it so I could continue. Each time I dismissed it, then went to do something else, it popped up again. So I removed the Backup Migration plugin. But now, even though the plugin is gone, I am still getting notices from Wordfence that these malicious files are on my site. See below:
Critical Problems:
* File appears to be malicious or unsafe: wp-content/backup-migration/backups/latest_progress.log
How can I remove them or stop them from being generated? I have used WordPress Advanced Database Cleaner several times but with no luck. I still get these prompts from Wordfence about malicious files with the .log extension. Do you have any suggestions?
Sorry this is so long, but I felt I needed to explain the situation as best I could.
Thank you,
]]>How can I do that?
Thank you!
]]>I have tried adding the code below to “Additional CSS’ under Appearance. So far it does not appear to be effective in removing the Mailchimp plugin.
]]>Great plugin, I just have a couple of questions.
Can the podcast be played in a pop up window when the link is clicked?
Also does this support video / webinars? I’ve added the plugin and set it up as per your video instruction, I’ve added an MP4 video file but only the sound plays.
Thanks for your help!
]]>I am using the Icegram plugin on my site and am able to create the pop up screen but the pop up displays as soon as the website homepage downloads (immediately). Is there any way I can put up say a gap of say 15 seconds. I mean the pop up should display 15 seconds after the homepage downloads.
This is imp because a new visitor who visits the site would first like to get comfortable with the site before getting overwhelmed by the immediately appearing pop up window.
]]>Idea: it would be excellent to be able to display a ticker style box saying for example:
“Watch for Live Videos here…”
Your plugin would poll for Live stream as it does already, but when exists_live_stream, text changes to say, “Breaking LIVE now! Click to open Video viewer” or whatever user wants it to say. Then when a user clicks, it would either pop up a video box or open a new tab with the video in it.
A good coder could probably make this happen using the plugin as is, but I’m not a good coder. My guess it many more people would use this if it were brain dead easy!
Thank you.