First, it’s not compatible with a few plugins that add buttons to tinyMCE. Shortcodes for example. Then there’s one which adds a button for installing sub-pages,Multi Pages, which I find useful.
The big problem I’ve found is where the last few letters of a word get “orphaned” at the end of a line.
This leads us to justification, which doesn’t seem to work right. I set justification, type out the paragraph, then hit return and have justification set back to the default. In addition to which the kerning in the document is a bit too wide. Mucking great gaps between letters and words when I use full justify.
Finally we have the tables. Overall there it works find, but it could use better organization. Please put everything into one place. May I recommend having a drop down menu with sub-menus for the table. On that menu would be the following.
table height
table width
cell height
cell width
content justification: horizontal and vertical; left, center, right, full, bottom, middle, top
background; table, column, row, cell
border; thickness, appearance, color.
The thing I most like about the tables in your plugin is, you can resize them.
Some explanation of how features in your plugin are and can be used would be helpful. And one more thing; I can see separating template from table, since they really are two different things.
Thanks for your time, I’m now off to play with my new toy.
]]>– Why does the sharing buttons only show automatically in some contents of the home page? How can I make it show in some of the other contents?
– Can I have different sizes on different locations? I tried to use the Responsive Design feature to see if it would decrease the size of the buttons in some thumbnails and maybe even make them disappear in others; The size of the buttons are pretty cool as big when inside a post, but they need to be small when under a thumbnail of the main page. Is it possible to customize it differently in different locations/settings?
Label only shows on one type of content? How can I make it show in all media? (Display On: Media Attachments doesn’t seem to put it in all media along the website)
I really hope that what I need to learn in order to master this tool will allow me to use it in this website. No other plugin or combination that I found could add the “Label” plus “Put it anywhere” features together. A “fade in” on top of the media itself is something I was looking for also, but I guess I’m asking a lot already
Thanks for your great work!
I hope you can take me by hand on this. Coding is not an area where I ventured before :/
Basically I need to create a newspaper website for a client… sounds familiar I know however all the posts I’ve looked at seem to go along the lines of wanting themes or just wanting to highlight the latest post.
My question is: Is it possible to show only the latest category created within the loop?
My idea is to create top level categories which will be used by the readers such as News, business, sports, etc and then have another category for editions, so all posts will be assigned to two categories 1 top level category and one sub category within editions. and then within the loop only display posts in top level category i.e. Business and LATEST editions subcategory.
I’ve looked for plugins, posts, hacks but I can’t seem to find anything that does this or anything similar?
any suggestions or ideas on how to accomplish this? or am I thinking of something impossible? thanks in advanced for any help.