One of my posts has a relationship with that term, a relationship that should not exist. I have no idea how that relationship had been created and I cannot find how to remove it programmatically.
I know for sure that I did not create this relationship by tinkering with the database, so I assume that it must have happened in the context of a theme or a plugin. However, none of my plugins make any reference at all to this taxonomy and the theme provides no functionality at all for linking a post to a post format (using the post_format taxonomy).
So, does anyone have an idea
1) how this erroneous relationship might have come about; and
2) how to remove the relationship programmatically; and if that is not possible
3) what to look out for when simply deleting the relevant row from the wp_term_relationships table.
]]>In dealing with a clients website, it was originally on and many posts were assigned various post_format values (ex. image, gallery). I’d like to change them so they are all “Standard” since they are not relevant in any theme currently used by the site, and in fact cause some issues.
I can’t figure out how to do this. Is there some code I can add in order to add the post_format as a field in the Post editor or bulk edit? Or is there a select statement I could use to do this directly in the database? Where is the post_format field?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated, thanks for your insights!
]]>Is this possible? They closed the ticket so maybe this isn’t supported or works in a different way now?
]]>Keep up the good work!
]]>I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong in the attached coding example.
I can successfully post to wordpress, but I can’t figure out how to change the post_format value to “link” successfully. No matter what I have tried, the post_format value is set to ‘standard’. I need it set to ‘link’ and also be able to designate a URL. I’ve spent lots of time looking at posts on the internet with no luck. I’m missing ‘something’.
The php file for testing resides in the root directory of my wordpress installation.
//figure out how to add a post with link format and URL
$location = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
echo $location;
include ($location . '/wp-config.php');
include ($location . '/wp-load.php');
include ($location . '/wp-includes/pluggable.php');
require($location . '/wp-blog-header.php');
// Create post object
$my_post = array();
$my_post['post_title'] = 'Title of this Post';
$my_post['post_content'] = 'Some Content to Add';
$my_post['post_status'] = 'publish';
$my_post['post_type']= 'post';
//post_category is correct here
$my_post['post_category'] = array(34);
//post_format always goes to 'standard'
//tried array(2) also with no luck
//very array
print_r ($my_post);
//all the below commented options were tried with no success.
//set_post_format('', 'link' ); //sets the given post to the 'link' format
//set_post_format($mypost->'ID', 'link' ); //sets the given post to the 'link' format
//$my_post['post_link_url'] = "";
//$my_post['post_link'] = "";
// Insert the post into the database
if( null == get_page_by_title( $my_post['post_title'] ) ) {
wp_insert_post( $my_post );
//Post is successfully added but can't change post_format value to 'link'
]]>The add_meta_box-Codex shows, that it’s declared in the Parameters. Therefore the $post_type parameter in the add_meta_box function let define the context in which the meta_box is displayed.
(string) (required) The type of Write screen on which to show the edit screen section (‘post’, ‘page’, ‘dashboard’, ‘link’, ‘attachment’ or ‘custom_post_type’ where custom_post_type is the custom post type slug)
Default: None
But if I define the video post-format as the context of the meta_box, nothings happens. It only works for post, pages and some custom-post-type slugs…
* Register meta_box video post format.
function meta_box_video() {
add_action('admin_init', 'meta_box_video');
]]>first: thanks for the nice plugin – seems to be the only one which fits my needs!
But I have two problems:
1. I need to get the user post to a specific post_tye (post_format). But that doesn’t work!?
2. WP receives post and uploaded image, but the image than is not the featured image of the post. I need it to be the featured image – any ideas how to do that?