When creating a new download in EDD and also adding a shortcode from EMG to the content of the post, this happens. When using the Classic Editor and the following plugin in version (old) 1.1.1 the download_id or post_id is suddenly the ID from the media gallery, instead of the post that is being edited.
I worked around it for my plugin, but resetting a post ID will cause problems for other plugins and postboxes as well. Could you take a look into this?
[site_reviews assigned_posts=post_id]
It shows that no reviews are there. Its right
It shows that one review is there, but it not true
of our media files during the import.
The media file was defined in the content.json
"type_title": "Media",
"post_id": 196,
"post_title": "title",
"post_status": "inherit",
"post_name": "image",
"post_content": "",
"post_excerpt": "",
"post_parent": 0,
"menu_order": 0,
"post_date": "2017-11-14 05:50:54",
"post_date_gmt": "2017-11-14 05:50:54",
"guid": "12345",
"post_mime_type": "image/jpeg"
The imported image should have post_id=196
In order to accomplish that, we assigned a new callback function to the hook advanced_import_replace_post_ids
private function define_hooks() {
$plugin_admin = Import_hooks();
$this->loader->add_action( 'advanced_import_replace_post_ids', $plugin_admin, 'replace_post_ids', 999 );
The callback function returned empty array, so all post_ids should be preserved in this case:
public function replace_post_ids( $replace_post_ids ) {
/*Post IDS*/
$post_ids = array();
return $post_ids;
However, the imported image has different post_id from the initial value.
How can we preserve post_id of the media files during the import?
]]>Beaver Builder’s link to open the editor looks like this:
I try to accomplish this by the following bit:
$beaverbuilder_editor_link = site_url( $slug . '?fl_builder');
But then the slug isn’t part of the link. So it looks like:
Anyone any idea how to get this to work? Cheers!
and it’s looking for field form_id
into the table give_formmeta
. It throws an error Unknown column 'cdxn_post_meta.post_id' in 'on clause'
The full query is this:
SELECT wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_give_formmeta ON ( wp_posts.ID = wp_give_formmeta.form_id ) INNER JOIN wp_give_formmeta as cdxn_post_meta on cdxn_post_meta.post_id = wp_posts.ID WHERE 1=1 AND (
( wp_give_formmeta.meta_key = '_give_goal_option' AND wp_give_formmeta.meta_value = 'enabled' )
) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'give_forms' AND ((wp_posts.post_status = 'publish')) OR cdxn_post_meta.meta_key='_wp_attachment_image_alt' AND cdxn_post_meta.meta_value LIKE '%zip%' GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY wp_posts.post_title ASC LIMIT 0, 30
and it’s being created when I search a word in media library (“zip” is the word being used in this case)
I believe that plugin causing the problem is this: https://es.www.ads-software.com/plugins/media-library-helper/
]]>add_filter('acf/validate_value/name=numero', 'unique_numero_field', 10, 4);
function unique_numero_field($valid, $value, $field, $input) {
return $_POST['post_id'];
How to get the post_id here?
When setting the dynamic values for title as post_id – the post id is showing in the form title.
Facebook pixel is sending wrong information when it comes to translated products.
Basically Facebook pixel is sending different content_ids instead of SKUs – depending on the language used on the page they appear on: for instance, same products content_ids will be [“XXX_215”] on an english written page (XXX being the SKU and 215 being the WP post id), and [“XXX_721”] on a french written page.
Is there a way to identify products with SKUs instead of IDs?
Thank you,
, global $post; error_log(print_r($post->ID,true))
, the_ID()
and I cannot the post_ID of a page on load in WP. I have added:
add_action( 'load-post.php', 'myFunc' );
add_action( 'post.php', 'myFunc' );
add_action( 'load-post-new.php', 'myFunc' );
function myFunc(){...}
How can I do this?