Are legacy recurring “child posts” supposed to get deleted after data migration now that the new data structure only needs just one post?
In my case they’re all still in the DB, so wanted to ask to make sure I didn’t have a conflict during migration as I completed it back in April. I suspect there isn’t a delete process for these since you’re able to “undo” the migration or it’s possible I had a cron not fire after a week? You won’t see these posts in the WP admin nor on the event pages. However, they are showing up in Yoast’s XML sitemap as well as returning in the global WP search. You can only find them in the admin by using the ID and going directly to the edit.php screen. e.g. /wp-admin/post.php?post=###&action=edit
Events that are still upcoming will redirect to the proper series page just fine, but the issue is with one’s that have already passed and are now just 404’s and do not get trashed or deleted by the action scheduler (since now it’s the new data structure).
This is only happening to recurring events that existed prior to migrationā¦ And unless manually removed, will remain obscurely in the DB. Looks like the scheduler is intentionally skipping child posts in
You can run this statement to check if there are lingering child posts in the DB:SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = "tribe_events" AND post_parent != 0;
Everything else seems to be working as it should.
Is this the intended functionality or is it possible I have a scheduled task not firing or something? I can clean up these legacy posts but wanted to check if there was any intention behind this.
Let me know,
I’m not sure if I’m missing a setting but I can’t see where/how to include the same parent/child to the destination site, in this example it would be to include the parent page (parent-page) and also the permalink/slug structure?
]]>post_parent – Show only the children of the post with this ID. Default: None.
At present I’m having to write this for each page using the post ID number, e.g.:
[catlist post_type=page post_parent=12 numberposts=-1 thumbnail=yes]
Is there any way to tell List Category Posts to get the sub-pages immediately beneath the current page? e.g. something like:
[catlist post_type=page post_parent=this numberposts=-1 thumbnail=yes]
Is this possible with the current plugin? Could this be added to a future version?
]]>Do you have any option to check why it happened?
]]>My scenario is like this: I have a custom post type with child posts from another custom post type, and when of one of these children are published, I would like to send an notification to the post author.
This works.
But, in the email I would like to link to the parent post. Is this possible to accomplish?
I have tried it like this:
…but this only outputs the ID of the parent post.
Is it possible to add a shortcode for [post_parent_url] or something like this?
Thank you!
// Jens.
]]>Is there a way to detect if an image has been used not only in a post, but also as the featured image.
Thank you very much in advance!
]]>I have the following code in a MU plugin, to create a member specific page when users register with s2Member.
Everything is working fine, except that these 3 things are not being set when the page is created:
1. post_author,
2. post_parent, and
3. _wp_page_template
Here is the code:
// Add page after new user registered
add_action('user_register', 'create_member_page');
function create_member_page($user_id) {
$user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
$username = $user_info->user_login;
$post = array();
$post['post_name'] = 'Member Page for '.$username;
$post['post_type'] = 'page'; //sets type
$post['post_content'] = esc_attr($username.' - This page was created for you and any messages that we need to send you with regards to any products, services or changes to your membership will be posted here.'.$userid);
$post['post_author'] = 1;
$post['post_status'] = 'publish'; //status
$post['post_title'] = .$username; // The name (slug) for the page
$post['post_parent'] = 904; // Sets the parent of the new post, if any. Default 0.
$post_id = wp_insert_post ($post);
if (!$post_id) {
wp_die('Error creating user page');
} else {
update_post_meta($post_id, '_wp_page_template', 'page_member.php');
$user = new WP_User($user_id);
update_post_meta($post_id, 's2member_ccaps_req', "$username");
$new_options = Array(); // s2member array for security level
$new_options["ws_plugin__s2member_level0_pages"] = $post_id; // set Level0 for this Page
c_ws_plugin__s2member_menu_pages::update_all_options ($new_options, true, false, array ("page-conflict-warnings"), true); // s2member update
Thank you!
]]>I’ve got a loop with search-results, containing posts, pages and attachments. In case i find an attachment, i’d like to permalink to the containing article – not to the attachment page.
After a little search in this forum, i tried this peace of code:
<?php if(get_post_type() == 'attachment') {
echo get_permalink()."<br />";
echo get_permalink($post->post_parent)."<br />";
$parent = get_post($post->post_parent);
echo get_permalink($parent->post_parent);
But every line returns the same permalink: the link to the attachment-page.
Do you have an idea how to do this right?
Thanks in advance,
The problem is the post it creates is a custom post type that has a parent page. And this particular bit of code which gets the parent page and hooks the post to the parent is not working: $_POST[“post_parent”];
If I delete that code and put in ’15’ for example, it works fine the new post is a child of page 15.
I swear at one point this code was working but it no longer does. Is there any reason beyond the obvious this code won’t work here, inside this function when the save form function is called?
if (isset($_REQUEST["submit_action"]) && $_REQUEST["submit_action"]=="save") {
$nonce = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'];
if (! wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'subpost') ) wp_die("You do not have permission to do that.");
if (isset($_POST['form_submit']) && $_POST['form_submit']=="Move to Trash") {
$post_id = 0;
$post_id = (int) $_POST["ID"];
if ($post_id > 0) {
$post = get_post($post_id);
$result = wp_trash_post($post->ID);
} else {
// save and return with JavaScript
$post_id = 0;
$post = new stdClass;
$post->ID = 0;
if (isset($_POST["ID"])) {
$post_id = (int) $_POST["ID"];
if ($post_id > 0) {
$post = get_post($post_id);
if($post->ID == 0) {
$post->post_status = 'publish';
$post->post_title = $_POST["post_title"];
$post->post_content = $_POST["post_content"];
$post->post_type = 'exhibitions';
$post->post_parent = $_POST["post_parent"];
$post->ID = wp_insert_post($post);
$pid = wp_insert_post($post);
// TO DO -- save custom fields
if ($_FILES) {
foreach ($_FILES as $file => $array) {
$newupload = insert_attachment($file,$pid);