My custom post type has a slug ‘pt_news’ with a rewrite slug ‘news’, page where I want to display my ‘news’ has slug/postname ‘news’. At the moment my best result is pagination works correctly, but posts permalinks return 404, when I try to open my ‘news’ detail. If you did something like that and managed to make it work please advice how you achieved that?
Basically I want to have urls like ‘/news/that-finally-works-god-bless-wordpress/’, so on page ‘news’ I get list news, on a page /news/CPT_OBJECT_SLUG/ I could see a post ‘that-finally-works-god-bless-wordpress’ in details.
Many thanks in advance.
]]>Do you have any idea how to fix pagination problem with custom post types in your pluging? Perhaps I should add some filter, but I have no idea where I should plug it in.
Details: I have none hierarchical post type – ‘news’, it is called by a shortcode [ic_add_posts post_type=’news’ template=’post-news-page-item.php’ showposts=’4′ paginate=’yes’ orderby=’date’ order=’DESC’] That worked fine when I used simple built in wordpress ‘post’ post type and called them by built in taxonomy ‘category’. But it does not want to work with custom post type.
]]>Hoping someone can help. I’m attempting to use plugin – – when setting it up normally, it just effectively dumps all the post info onto the page with not a lot of styling. What I’m after is the posts on the page to look at they do on the front page of my site with all the nice formatting, circular featured images etc.
According to the installation instructions for this plugin it says I can add the following to the short code:
“[ic_add_posts template=’template-in-theme-dir.php‘] – In case you want to style your markup, add meta data, etc. Each shortcode can reference a different template. These templates must exist in the theme directory.”
Reading the Customizr documentation I’m understanding that the theme doesn’t use individual page templates and so I’m unsure which file to point to (to replace “template-in-theme-dir.php”) in the above example.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Alternatively if anyone has other suggestions on how to achieve this then I’m all ears.
]]>echo “<[a] href='”>”;
echo “‘ target=>test “;
echo “<[/a]>”;
I can find no documentation on this…
]]>First of all, thank you for this amazing theme and the great support you are giving. I tried to look for this question in the support forum, but I couldn’t find it. Sorry if you already awnsered this.
I’d like to be able to add post thumbnails + titles (categories or tags) in my pages, instead of using categories – so that I can include more information before listing all the related posts.
Preferably I’d like to posts to show in a similar style as they do now when you click on a category, except I’d like to show 3 or 4 per row, without the category name and the first lines of the post.
I tried a couple of plugins for this but it just doesn’t work.
I hope this makes sense. Thanks so much!
]]>The Most Recent Posts plugins allows WordPress developers to display the most recent posts. Included is a widget for displaying the most recent posts.
In addition, a configurable shortcode is included to allow the most recent posts to be displayed anywhere on a page, post or included in a theme.
If you think it needs anything more, I’m happy to take suggestions.
You can download Most Recent Posts plugin from
Vaughn Bullard
]]>Is it possible to make multiple posts inside pages in WP 3.3.1? I tried with the plugin called Pages Posts, but it’s outdated and it doesn’t work with the latest WP.
I am a beginer, so please give me detailed instructions.
]]>How can I post inside pages in WP 3.3.1? I’ve downloaded Pages Posts plugin, bu tit’s not compatible with the latest version of WP.
I am really new to WP, so please, give me detalied instructions.