Some parts of BBcore cannot be translated using locotranslate.
The workflow settings page cannot be translated.
Loco translate plugin
Active installations is used by over 1 million people, so it would be great if this plugin could translate 100% of the content.
I know it’s compatible with Elementer, but is it compatible with Bricks Builder?
]]>function brk_product_view_languages() {
load_plugin_textdomain( 'brk-product-view-count-for-woocommerce', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages' );
add_action( 'init', 'brk_product_view_languages' );
And must create pot file for your plugin using LocoTranslate plugin or using some app like poedit
]]>BUG: 4951: msgid "The event title slug. Leave empty to auto-generate" (ERROR)
BUG: 6037: msgid "Allow access to the dashboard from the front-end calendar" (FUZZY)
BUG: 4331: msgid "Every 48th week" (MONTH)
NEW: msgid "All day"
NEW: msgid "Hide end date"
NEW: msgid "Category display name"
NEW: msgid "Name"
NEW: msgid "Guest display name"
NEW: msgid "Coordinates"
NEW: msgid "Location coordinates in decimal format"
NEW: msgid "Calendar display name"
NEW: msgid "In calendar dashboard"
NEW: msgid "RRULE"
FUZZY: Location name
]]>I’m having trouble translating the plugin in French. I went to the plugin’s translation repo, downloaded .po and .mo files and added them to /wp-content/languages/plugins using the pro plugin’s folder name with .po and .mo at the end (google-analytics-premium.po / .mo).
Nothing changed, so I decided to go in the plugin folder > languages and downloaded the .pot file. I made changes in it, and did the same. Nothing changed.
I’m used to translate plugins, but this time I’m stuck.
Thanks for your help.
]]>I realized that many translations are lost or there is no longer the string, what can I do?
My theme comes from Underscore, so I suppose it’s not because of a wordpress update
]]>I can’t find the string “close-dialog” in translations (not in stable, nor development). The string is in the .POT file of the Github Repository. It seems the .POT file on WP needs to be updated, or am I overlooking something?
]]>I read your reply for another question:
So regarding your answer:
“To translate any texts, you need to create translation files(.mo files) for each language you want to use. You may use the POT file available in the plugin language folder as an example to create the translation files(.po and .mo files).”
Do I name the .po and .mo files the same as the POT file?
And do I upload them in the same folder as the original POT file?
See image:
Thank you!
]]>I came across an issue with the language files where a lot of strings where not translated and not in the locale files. The reason is the POT file is outdated and, therefore, it cannot be used to update the PO files for translating the plugin.
Also, there’re a lot of strings that where changed and outdated prior translations (postcode vs post code, for example, which is not in the translation files). And a lot of other strings that have concatenations or that are missing translator comments and don’t work in other languages, at least in latin languages like Portuguese, with no neutral gender and singular/plural issues.
For example, a string like There are no
often doesn’t work, because we don’t have a neutral gender. In Portuguese, Contacts
is masculine, but Invoices
is feminine.
is concatenated with Status
in contact record, which is clumsy and very hard to translate.
These are just a few examples. I would hope that this far in development, JCRM would already have fixed many of these issues.
It is very unproductive to contribute to the translation and try to use a quality version in our language with so many unresolved i18n issues.