Something went wrong and we couldn’t process your request.
Please go back to the previous page and try again.
WHMCS\Exception: Invalid request. in /public_html/whmcs/modules/gateways/paypalcheckout/lib/PaypalController.php:0
There are 51 errors like this:
Stack trace:
0 [internal function]: WHMCS\Module\Gateway\Paypalcheckout\PaypalController->verifySubscriptionSetup(Object(WHMCS\Http\Message\ServerRequest))
1 /public_html/whmcs/vendor/middlewares/utils/src/CallableHandler.php(26): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
2 /public_html/whmcs/vendor/middlewares/fast-route/src/FastRoute.php(96): Middlewares\Utils\CallableHandler::execute(Array, Array)
3 /public_html/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Route/Middleware/HandleProcessor.php(0): Middlewares\FastRoute->process(Object(WHMCS\Http\Message\ServerRequest), Object(Middlewares\Utils\Delegate))
No way to contact them, if any idea will you let me know? Thank you so much!
]]>First of all, your service is great, the plugin is great and I hate it to bring this topic up, but I’m from Germany and the DSGVO/GDPR makes even pictures personal identifiable information if there are PII contents in it, like people which have not accepted their free use of these pictures.
I know, it’s something which is still unsolvable without at least a gray area, but better something than nothing, and the reSmush.it service really lacks a Privacy Policy and maybe a Data Processing Agreement too.
I hope you have a little bit of resources to make the service somewhat compliant.
I’m wishing all the best,
Click here for the error image.
]]>website is www.absolutepartycruises.com
my social links (in bottom footer) aren’t working for Google+ Can someone tell me how to correct here’s the current code in the widget:
<ul class="social social__list unstyled">
<li class="social_li">
<a href="google.com/+Absolutepartycruisesltd" rel="tooltip">
<span class="social_ico">
<img alt="" src="https://absolutepartycruises.com/wp-content/themes/theme50491/images/icons/google+.png">
<span class="social_label">google+</span>
<li class="social_li">
<a href="+442083065333" rel="tooltip">
<span class="social_ico">
<span class="social_label">+44 208 306 5333 </span>
<li class="social_li">
<li class="social_li">
<a href="mailto:[email protected]" rel="tooltip">
<span class="social_ico">
<span class="social_label">Email US</span>
hope someone can help! and thanks in advance!
]]>Very new at this stuff –
Plugin installed > all boxes filled-in (except DMCA) > drop-down menu ‘On/Displaying’ > Save > Nothing, zero, ??? (Sorry – it might be right in front of me and yet I am lost. Please help!)
Where are the short codes and what do I do with them? The three short codes on the top of the page are not linked to anything. Maybe they are not suppose to be? Are these the short codes? Do I copy and paste them? First I need the short code and then after, when I open a new page, where do I put the short code? The body, the title? Do I put it in a text widget to place in the footer?
Thanks (excuse all the questions, my mind is spinning)
]]>I’m using Truly Minimal theme, and my site is www.dontdareblink.com.
]]>call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘GA_Admin::add_config_page’ was given in /home/kia/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 339
I am so lost. I don’t know what this mean, let alone what have to be done. If anybody can help me out, I would really, really appreciate it.