1.) Controlling exam available date. Being able to make specific exams available only after completing successfully another exam. Making a series of exams sequentially available by date.
2.) The exam cannot be printed, by ctrl. P or right-click menu print.
3.) Cannot highlight and copy exam, nor right-click menu copy.
4.) Disable the back button in the browser window. Cannot go back to a previous page.
5.) Control the number of times a user can take the same exam if they fail.
6.) Timer, auto grade when the timer runs out.
7.) Student validation. Proof registered student is taking the final exam. Whether by IP address capture, camera/video screen capture of the student, driver’s license validation (upload DL on registration, then compare when taking final exams), or some other validation process.
8.) Student Dashboard showing registered courses, quizzes taken, final exam taken, pass/fail, and certificate available. Custom fields for registration/payment date, date course started, and date course finished. Keeping a history of registered courses.
9.) Custom Certificate. With custom fields on the certificate, and custom uploaded background template.
10.) Email notifications for various stages of student progress through courses.
Many of these features are mandatory requirements for us to implement for our California Department of Real Estate Statutory and Continuing Education approved licensing courses.
]]>Here are my questions (for any answers that are “yes” please cite the documentation page on which the solution resides):
Currently mailster which is quite resource hungry allows us to implement the HTML we want across all emails using some dynamic tags. Ours is pretty simplistic:
Header design
Body design
Title tag
Content tag
Footer design
Footer tag
across all emails – can we use yours to do that?
]]>I currently use Frontend Admin Forms, a plugin that works in the Elementor editor, but I’m looking at replacing it because of support issues.
I have a form that creates a custom post called Photograph. That form has an image upload for the Featured Image, and some other fields. Once the user completes that form, it redirects to another page with another form where the user Edits the post created in the first step. The reason for this is that I load some JavaScript to do Face Detection and overlap the Featured Image displayed on the second form with boxes around the faces found.
The first form redirects to the second form and uses the ACF/Save_post hook to attach the ID of the post just created to the URL of the redirect, the second page has an edit post form picking up the ID from the URL to display some of the fields of the CPT and others for the user to input the details of the people found in the JavaScript.
The second form uses Acf Repeater fields to capture details for each of the people detected.
The second form then saves these changes and the CPT, Photograph, is complete.
Can your plugin achieve this requirement? Are there any tutorials I could review with anything similar?
Later the Photograph post can be edited by any user to change or complete the details.
]]>?Cuál es la principal diferencia entre usar el Light o el Premium?
Por ejemplo, lo querría utilizar en una farmacia y en una tienda de flores…
?Beneficios de la opción Premium?
Muchas gracias
]]>My question is:
I want to use Feed to post. I also use publicize by Jetpack to auto-post to our social channels. Is there an option to be able to approve the posts before they go live on the site? The reason being….
We have a hashtag strategy so when we post, we use the Jetpack box to type the posting message for the social platforms and include the hashtags in there too. I’d want to make sure we weren’t publishing stuff without the hashtags being appended.
All the news articles would be filtered with COVID related keywords so they would all be fine to use with the same set of hashtags each time.
Hope that makes some sense? Sorry if this is a dumb question – I’m no developer!
Thank you