I want to find a plugin where you can quickly add some premade text. And where you can add it easy like the standard add media box.
So lets say, I have made a section with a button and a video
And I want my client to be able to add that button and the video on every page he creates, so it’s easy for him just to paste that in and then he only have to change/add the urls in each input and not writing the whole code again.
Is there a plugin for that out there?
Sorry for my english, dont know how to describe it better.
Thanks in advance
My question is: Can I create pre-made post templates with predefined content for some posts? Let’s say:
I have the “Cartelera” column with the next fields pre-filled:
Sample post can be seen here: https://panucoaldia.diariodebate.info/2014/05/cartelera/
Every post will have at least the same data in these fields. The same as this scenery I have 4 or more recurrent columns/posts that are published at least once or twice daily, of which I would like to create predefined templates in order to simply choose them from a dropdown, or select it from somewhere in order to start filling in the post text and adding the needed tags, categories and featured image for those cases on which the image should change.
Thanks in advance for the support.
]]>Maybe it’s a newbie question, but I’ll be grateful if anyone can help me!
]]>So I basically copied the same code from my website into the blog .php files. The footer and body work just fine in both the blog and the website, but the header is acting weird in the blog page. The main website is just fine. The color is fine, but the background banner is missing and the font is not aligned properly. Below are links to (I believe) everything you would need, but let me know if you need something else. Thanks ahead of time.
Main Website
Example with page with smaller banner (the one I would like to see in the blog page)
Blog CSS
Blog Header
Right-click and view the source for the home and music page.
I have a website that has been running for a few years, but now I want to integrate into it using WP. My idea is to revamp most of the pages using WP’s themes.
Is this possible?
I’ve read: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8615262/redirecting-old-htm-based-site-to-wordpress-permalinks and https://brassblogs.com/blog/make-your-existing-site-work-with-wordpress
But now I’m getting a bit stuck.
Thanks for the help in advance!