Can I allow certain group to manage (CRUD – create/read/update and delete) of certain plugin used in my website?
For example like having the Group->Editors able to ‘CRUD’ Plugin->Contact Form 7. Meaning that they’re able to create/read/update/delete any forms whenever they want.
Right now, I were unable to do so or is it because I just can’t do that with Press Permit plugin?
Any answer and suggestion of plugin to use would be nice too.
Thank you.
]]>I’m a developper for Hoffman agency in Montreal. We have a big customer who using wordpress for his intranet website. They are using your PP Plugin for permissions of users.
We have a soft issue with that. When we delete a user from wp-admin panel, the user still present in the database. So we have to connect to phpMyAdmin to delete it manually. Because if we want to recreate a user with a email and a user with this email still in database we can’t recreate the user.
Our customer ask us sometime to delete some users from the database, and we lose time to do it. So why the user deleted from wp-admin won’t be delete from database ?
Franck Jorge
]]>Is this to be expected, or is there a way to optimize/limit PP burden on the server?
]]>After updating to the version 2.3 all pages (including frontpage) can’t be found (error 404). I still have test server from the last time. If you need it, I would be happy to assist you.
]]>Does this exist?
]]>Looking at the feature grid.
Does an empty grey box indicate something different to an empty green one?
]]>add_filter( 'pre_post_parent', array( &$this, 'flt_page_parent' ), 50, 1);
And the file doesnt attach to the post.
]]>I am trying to activate my purchased Press Permit Pro support key, but the message “An unidentified error occurred.” keeps showing up.
I also tried accessing my user account in the Press Permit website, but it seems that there’s also a problem connecting to the database (maybe related to the activation problem?).
Thank you,
]]>The link for both types of users is the SAME ( – which makes me think that this is some sort of permissions error (in press permit?)
I do not think this is the same problem as in because the URL is OK.