Tracking Prevention blocked access to storage for
It shows fine if you reload the page. Can anything be done to prevent this?
]]>Thank you for your time
]]>love your plugin, big thanks for it. we’ve been using it for years. as for now 1/3 of the www is running on wp. which is bad for security, hacking attempts growing like hell. to secure the site we use all in one security and firewall.
in there, the cookie based brute force login prevention ist the most powerful thing to lock out hacking attempts. the /wp_login.php gets locked and replaced by /soemthingsecret=1 which sets and checks a cookie to see if the login attempt is allowed. unfortunately, your plugin breaks that feature. no login or logout possible as soon as i activate the COOKIE based brute force login prevention. when i just activate the RENAMING of /wp-login.php it works well. any idea how to make your plugin work with the strong cookie based login prevention?
pm me for credentials!
thanks and cheers
I got a problem which leads me to a feature request; my page is on (example) with a wordpress install. On the webspace I got there is /httpdocs which contains /bananas and /project1 /project2 etc.. /project1 and 2 contain e.g. a simple HTML page. Now the hotlink prevention setting on the wordpress installation forbids access to a background.jpg on – background-image: url(‘stuff/background.jpg’); is broken where <img src=”stuff/m_logo.svg” … still works, since it’s a SVG. If I disable the hotlink prevention in the plugin settings on wordpress backend the other page works as it should.
So could you add a hotlink prevention domain exceptions feature or tell me what to change in .htaccess so does not get blocked from
]]>Thanks in advance.
]]>I just installed this plugin for testing. I configured the settings and have to say that this is by far one of the best if not the best FREE security plugin for your WP installation. It has numerous features that enable you to literally lockdown your website from would be intruders and also to prevent spammers and content scrapers from having their way.
Definitely a must have for every WP installation. I highly recommend.
I also highly recommend that the very first thing you do is to go the the security settings and use the backup feature to backup all 3 “get out of jail free” files (database, .htaccess, wp-config.php) in case you get locked out and to also open your FTP client and actually navigate to the folder where the backups are saved and keep the ftp program open just in case you do in fact lock yourself out…..this way you can easily replace the files without having to remember where they are located.
]]>Is it ok to install plugin to disable auto updates and updates at all to prevent some errors in the future if site is designed in a way that it don’t need to be frequently updated(content). Maybe once in a year.
I noticed that some plugins that I am using on these sites just stopped to be updated for 2 lates core updates, so I would like to prevend some data loss or some bigger errors. So if some combination works to leave it as it is?
Have a great day,
]]>Guest 1 01-19-2015 08:47 am United States Ashburn, VA /?SimpleHistoryGuid=58 No
There were 6 entries, all with different Guid’s. What is rather disconcerting is this is a test site, not even public, not advertised as I’m still just getting the design setup. The site is literally 5 days old.
Simple History is a plugin I use to track the changes that are done to the site. I’ve already mentioned this to the author (just in case) but he seems to be as confused as I am.
The IP address belongs to some analytics company(Edj Analytics, LLC) in the US.(actually, there were 6 different IP address, 5 of them started with 54.*, one started with 107.*, all belong to Amazon.
Anyone ever heard of these guys?
What I’d like to know is:
– how did they even KNOW about the site? (most important)
– how do I stop them from checking out my site? (sure, could just blacklist those IPs but seems like they probably can use a wider range than what I saw).
Mostly just concerned with finding the origin and cutting it off at the source. Not a big fan of someone snooping around a non-public website.