$thumbnail_url = ( has_post_thumbnail() && ! post_password_required() ) ? get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $post->ID, 'post-thumb' ) : '';
$style_attr = $thumbnail_url ? ' style="background-image: url( ' . $thumbnail_url . ' );"' : '';
I moved && ! post_password_required(), but it doens’t work.
Please, could you help me ?
Many thanks.
Best regards.
]]>is it possible to change the preview image size for all existing galleries all at once?
Kind regards
]]>see: https://www.create.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Screenshot-2019-03-19-at-14.18.47.png
It doesn’t seem to matter if the posts contain images or have featured image set, or not.
Is anyone else having this problem, and does anyone know of a fix/workaround for this?
]]>After the last update (for me: this weekend, Feb. 2019) a lot of settings were set to the standard and there is no more setting (in the customizer) for the saturation of the preview images on the start page!
Do I anything wrong or overlook anything?
Please, please help – unfortunately this is one of the key features for me.
best regards
]]>I’ve been able to confirm that the preview images ARE loaded on the page, but they’re stacked vertically on top of each other. If you open Chrome’s developer tools you can see this. I’ve also taken screenshots, hopefully you can access imgur since I can’t upload them here: https://imgur.com/a/i07zh79
Image 1 is the first product preview, shown, because the translate on the woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper class is at 0,0,0.
Image 2 is when I hover over the second div inside that figure wrapper, which should be the black hat red bill, and you can see the image is below the black hat, not to the right of it.
Image 3 is after I’ve clicked the black hat red bill preview thumb and I’m hovering over the first div of the all black hat in the developer tools. You can see that image has moved to the left, and the translate on the wrapper is at -456px,0,0 to cause that movement to happen.
Image 4 is hovering over the black hat red bill div, and you can see that it too has moved over to the left and is still directly beneath the all black hat image. If the images had been stacked horizontally, this black hat red bill image would now be showing in the preview box, which is what is expected. Since they’re stacked vertically, they will not show.
I’m pretty comfortable with CSS, but I cannot figure out why these images are stacking vertically. I’ve tried forcing them into an inline-block, but it doesn’t seem to matter. They’re floated left like they should be, the width on the figure wrapper is huge (1800%), I can’t figure it out. If they would stack horizontally, they’d show.
]]>Wonder if you can point me to a solution to get better video preview images – seems like mine are very stretched.
]]>I’m not using a plugin to add svg uploadability, just using some standard code in my functions.php
function my_myme_types($mime_types){
$mime_types['svg'] = 'image/svg+xml'; //Adding svg extension
$mime_types['mp4'] = 'video/mp4';
$mime_types['mp3'] = 'audio/mp3';
return $mime_types;
add_filter('upload_mimes', 'my_myme_types', 1, 1);
Any ideas? is it a bug? Thank you for reading.
Even though this is feedback…maybe this should be in the troubleshooting section.
]]>Some preview images are not displaying properly. “Normal” thumbnails has addresses similar to that one:
… while broken ones:
All pictures in all galleries are fine (I tried to recreate thumbnails; it has nothing to do with my problem).
Any ideas would be appreciated!
– WordPress up to date? Yes
– NextGEN up to date? Yes
– MySQL up to date (at least 5.2.4)? No (5.1.71)
– PHP up to date (at least 5.0)? Yes
– The mod_rewrite Apache module activated? Yes
– PHP Safe Mode OFF? Yes
– Does this error still occur if you switch your theme to the WP default, and deactivate all plugins except NextGEN Gallery? (*be sure to clear your browser cache and reload your site after deactivating) Yes
]]>I would love to be able to use Preview images that have been uploaded to the server already, rather than having to chase them down on my hard drive each time I need to change something in a gallery. Using the Media Library would seem to be the most logical place, but a CVG dedicated folder would work, too.
If this is already possible, would someone please tell me where to do it?