i would like to know if your WordPress plugin is storing and/or processing any (personal) data of registered wordpress users, visitors of the website or users of the functionality of your plugin.
If yes, I would like to know
– what kind of data are you storing/processing?
– what function for are you storing/processing this data?
– where are the servers located, you are using for storing/processing – europe or usa?
Thank you & best regards!
]]>otherwise all of cleantalk-EU-customers are FORCED BY LAW to stop using CT-service. do you have answers for me?
]]>You can read more about Wordfence, GDPR, and the Privacy Shield certification at this link:
]]>I know that you are already meeting GDPR compliance. But I found several comments where you announced that you are in the process of getting the US/EU Privacy Shield. That was in the beginning of June.
Is there any news on this? Is there still a chance that you will get the Privacy Shield. Or is that off the table?
Please for information.
Thanks from Vienna
However, in the meanwhile I would prefer to disable sending any data from visitors to the US. Is there any option to do so?
I am aware that you put the information to good use. But you have to understand, not every website owner is too happy about finding out any personal data is sent to an non-EU company (or one of the exception companies). And hearing that that company is from the US and not on the Privacy Shield list (especially after the Safe Harbour debacle) does not help at all…
]]>Am I correct in noting that the use of Wordfence means that Wordfence gets full view of all visits to our sites or is there a way to set the plugin to anonymise data before it exports it to you?
If that isn’t possible, the plugin is problematic for us as we have to abide by EU privacy laws, and Privacy Shield appears to be heading for cancellation rather than renewal when its review term is up (the same reason we cannot use Google statistics or Gmail either but have to opt for solutions of EU origin).
Cheers, Binc