It’s making one of my links be able to be editable on web form.
2) My Links:
I’m putting them in as this:
Link Text:
It then looks like this:
I save, and then exit my admin screens, and on the website page it comes out like this when you click it:
Thanks again, and again
]]>I just uploaded your plugin and tried to use it. I defined 1 test category with 1 test product attached in it.
You can see the catalogue displaying on this page:
My problem is that when clicking on the product link or the category link, my website display a “404 page no result found”..
How can I fix this?..
Thank you for your time and consideration, Im very exited about this little plugin and if it works Id be more than happy to contribute and donate for the work you put into it.
Fingers crossed we can fix this, it would make my website work so much easier
]]>All of the links that were originally in my sidebar suddenly disappeared. This was expected (I guess) as the wordpress developers have apparently deprecated get_links and several other link tags.
After digging I found that wp_list_bookmarks is the appropriate tag to use in your theme. So I edited the following:
<div class="menuheader"><div><?php _e('Find Build Shop:'); ?></div></div>
<ul id='br_list'>
<?php get_links(2,'<li>','</li>',' ',false,'name',false,false,-1,false,true);; ?>
to read only:
<div class="menuheader"><div><?php _e('Links:'); ?></div></div>
<?php wp_list_bookmarks('categorize=1&category_name=emulators'); ?>
I have one link category called emulators. However, now all of the links show up all of the time and I’m not able to use any categorization objects specified here: properly. They simply break and the entire list of links is then displayed.
I’ve tried tons of different syntax and even used the examples on this page to no resolution.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I’m using WordPress 2.1.3 and have a heavily modified theme designed for based on the original neuron theme.