My problem is that the profile page only shows the edit view and does not show the preview when I click the update button or the check button at the top.
Is there a specific fix for this issue or am I missing something?
]]>I’m having a small issue. I have several customized list views for several sections on the site. But the loaded on the site is the corresponding to the default one.
Since i have made changes on the list view, now it is showing the default list view… with the additional material that should not be seen there like the side menu and the carousel.
I change to the vanilla list.php but i lose those items on the category view.
How can i make that category view shows with my customizations and the profile view’s ads shows with the vanilla list?
Because i change here but i’m not sure how can I ensure that the vanilla list.php file only loads on the Profile view?
Thanks in advance.
add_action("adverts_template_load", "custom_category_list");
function custom_category_list( $tpl ) {
// $tpl is an absolute path to a file, for example
// /home/simpliko/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpadverts/templates/list.php
$basename = basename( $tpl );
// $basename is just a filename for example list.php
if( $basename == "list.php" ) {
// return path to list.php file in custom-list-template directory
return dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/list.php";
} else {
return $tpl;
]]>I have an issues with the Newsletter Plugin (free version):
In the profile view/ profile page there is a duplicated form. I see the form of name, lastname, email and gender 2 times.
I looked it up with Google DevTools and I can see that the div-container for the profile data is twice within the html code:
<div class=”tnp tnp-profile”>…</div>
<div class=”tnp tnp-profile”>…</div>
It would be great if you can help me to solve this problem, because it looks really not good at all. Or which part I could delete within the php-file.
Or is it a problem with my theme? I am using Flatsome Child Theme.
Best wishes and many thanks in advance
]]>Hope you can help me!
]]>I have profile view that is showing only a name filed and something the says “base”. I am not sure why. I tried uninstalling UM and reinstalling which fixed some other issues but not this one. Also is there a way to have Users create a post to a specific category and be able to edit it later? I have buddypress installed as well with all the plugins including the one for UM.
thanks and let me know if you need more info.
<div class="profile">
<div class="bp-widget base">
<table class="profile-fields">
<tbody><tr class="field_1 field_name required-field visibility-public field_type_textbox">
<td class="label">Name</td>
<td class="data"><p>Scott</p>
]]>My question is pretty simple and well I can’t seem to figure it out probably because I’m tired. Moving forward, my issue is regarding the sidebar (or tabs) in the View Profile page of User Ultra Lite, Where a user is able to view, upload, and add additional information in the View Profile settings/ page.
I want to remove certain Tabs, such as Purchases and My Orders tabs (screenshot).
Thanks, in advance.
]]>Name Rohit
How to find the file and edit it.
Please Do reply immediately