I was unable to generate any certificates for two days due to the certificate builder not functioning.?In light of this experience, I hope that future updates to LMS Pro will include standard quality control measures prior to implementation.
I spent approximately 12 hours over two nights troubleshooting the issue, searching online for possible solutions, and ultimately lost my customized certificates. I had to redo the certificate customization and manually assign the newly customized certificates to each course, which added an additional four hours of adjustments and testing on my part.
While I truly appreciate the speed and value of the customer service provided, I believe that this situation could have been prevented with proper system validation prior to the update, similar to practices followed by other software companies.?
I hope this comment helps.
]]>what I am trying to achieve now is showing the list of form entries using shortcode. What I did so far is showing just the var_dump but not the actual table of entries. not sure where it went wrong i guess because of the way i populate the array.
here’s the code:
add_shortcode('wd-listentries', 'wd_listentries_func');
function wd_listentries_func($atts){
$a = shortcode_atts( array(
'title' => 'guestman',
'field' => 'name-1'
), $atts );
$wd_form_id = get_page_by_title( $a['title'], '', 'forminator_forms' );
$entry = Forminator_Form_Entry_Model::get_entries($wd_form_id->ID);
if ($entry){
foreach ($entry as $item){
echo '<table>';
echo ' <tbody>';
echo ' <tr>';
echo ' <td>';
$entry[] = $item['name-1'];
echo ' </td>';
echo ' <td>';
$entry[] = $item['text-1'];
echo ' </td>';
echo ' <td>';
$entry[] = $item['text-2'];
echo ' </td>';
echo ' </tr>';
echo ' </tbody>';
echo '</table>';
the inputs inside the guestman are: name-1, text-1, and text-2.
Is there a specific way to index the individual input inside entries? can you show me where I did wrong? I’m torn between the way i index it or how i foreach it. :/
p/s: again, my programming skill is equivalent of a Psyduck or a salamander, so you guys might want to take me step by step
in functions.php
, and with kinda specific layout that is not shipped with any theme on WP that I know.
Atm I don’t even understand how to view items from specific menu, only block <!-- wp:navigation /-->,
which views links to all parent pages with submenus, not only those that were specified in any specific menu in Appearance->Menus.
How can I display a specific menu through blocks? Anything I found was wp_nav_menu()
for classic themes. Not sure if this is what I’m searching for, but it could be a good start probably. Is there some alternative to this for block themes?
I tried <!-- wp:navigation {"menu":"<menu name here>"} /-->
, but it just displayed the block as html instead of navigation menu.
Now the more complex part: is there any way to fetch list of pages from specific menu and process it with js, or even with php to be compliant with block theme rules? In classic theme I could fetch pages using either get_pages()
to fetch all pages, or maybe using wp_get_nav_menu_items()
with some other function to get title from page id. That second thing is just an assumption – I didn’t do the second case yet. Afterwards I could process those fetched pages with php and put them anywhere on the site.
I would like to have one kinda atypic style – menu bar with parent items, and when a parent item is hovered with mouse, whole menu would resize, so it would fit a submenu under parent.
Let’s say menu would look like this:
And after hovering, whole menu bar will grow in height like this:
In classic theme I managed to do it with menu blocks, each consisting from parent item holder (the one up), and submenu holder (the items right under the parent item when hovered), and processed it with php – what item to which box.
How can I achieve that? What would be the most correct way of doing this in WP block theme?
I am experienced in HTML/CSS/JS/PHP, but new to WP
Thanks in advance
]]>https://pinetools.com/remove-duplicate-lines – Remove duplicate lines from text.
https://text-compare.com/?– Compare text strings.
https://wordcounter.net/?– Count words inside a text box.
What would be a good approach to take to this? What plugins, development frameworks, Composer libraries, etc., would you use?
]]>I don’t like the layout of the blog page. Specifically there is no H1 heading, featured images are shown full-size (so the page is mostly huge images) and it’s really not user friendly. There are no customization options available within the theme to fix these issues.
So, I created a child theme using the Astra child theme generator, hoping I could just create my own blog template to use. I thought I would copy theirs as a starting point, but I can’t tell if it’s using archive.php or index.php or something else, and it’s using custom methods like “astra_content_loop()” which I can’t find where they are defined.
Has anyone done anything like this before who can help me get started customizing the blog index page? I do have web programming experience, just not with WP themes.
I would like to:
– add a heading and possibly a text blurb to the page that can be edited in WP
– customize the featured image to be a thumbnail instead of full-size
– if possible, change the layout to be more attractive
I’m unable to load the specified page correctly, not in Chrome AND not in Firefox.
Got a warning from wordpress about this broken page, with the following technical details:
Een fout van het type E_ERROR werd veroorzaakt op regelnummer 1278 van het bestand /data/www/stag-club.nl/www/wp-content/plugins/quiz-maker/admin/partials/settings/quiz-maker-settings.php. Foutmelding: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: 3 arguments are required, 2 given in /data/www/stag-club.nl/www/wp-content/plugins/quiz-maker/admin/partials/settings/quiz-maker-settings.php:1278
Stack trace:
#0 /data/www/stag-club.nl/www/wp-content/plugins/quiz-maker/admin/partials/settings/quiz-maker-settings.php(1278): sprintf()
#1 /data/www/stag-club.nl/www/wp-content/plugins/quiz-maker/admin/class-quiz-maker-admin.php(754): include_once('...')
#2 /data/www/stag-club.nl/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): Quiz_Maker_Admin->display_plugin_settings_page()
#3 /data/www/stag-club.nl/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#4 /data/www/stag-club.nl/www/wp-includes/plugin.php(476): WP_Hook->do_action()
#5 /data/www/stag-club.nl/www/wp-admin/admin.php(259): do_action()
#6 {main}