lo activo correctamente, lo edito y me aparece que está en “modo on”, pero al ingresar no aparece…
mi web es
]]>I have used gravity form WordPress plugin which provides connectwise add on. Last year in November, i have done integration of both in my site.
However from last few days, i can see in CMS that following fields under ConnectWise Settings showing red “X” sign in front of it:
– ConnectWise URL
– Company ID
– Public API Key
– Private API Key
I guess it should display a green check sign in front of all above fields for successful connection.
I have tried by creating new API Keys, but still getting the same error.
Kindly look into this matter and help me.
Laxman Prajapati
Recently I found that after doing WordPress plugin updates, the ConnectWise option would be removed. This time I simply deactivated the gravity form plugin for ConnectWise and then activated it. It instantly reappeared. The settings are always intact, just the ConnectWise option goes away. I found this by receiving the normal email from the form being filled out but no ticket appearing.
Proto Support requested I add this to this forum to see if others are having simular issues.
]]>I would appreciate greatly for any input related to this, since I am a novice and not that great in learning fast how to customize all those PHP/CSS/etc file contents.
]]>Need help on how to set up this plugin (infinte scroll) to work with my current theme (pronto).
I already tried few suggestion that found in this forum but nothing works.
Need helps. Thanks
]]>I’ve been battling to get Jetpack Infinite Scroll working with the Pronto theme (available here: https://www.wpexplorer-demos.com/pronto/
Unfortunately, while I can get the posts to load, they are not displaying correctly (essentially, the jQuery Masonry plugin isn’t stacking them).
I have tried applying the instructions here (including the JS in a new file for the child theme I have created, and enqueuing it via the functions file) to no avail: https://wptheming.com/2013/04/jetpack-infinite-scroll-masonry/
I suspect I might have something wrong this selectors, but I’ve tried a bunch of options and haven’t turned anything up. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Many thanks!
]]>I have managed to create a featured section at the top of my site using this code, which works very well”
<div id="featured"> <?php query_posts('posts_per_page=1&cat=2'); ?> <?php if ( have_posts() ) while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> <small><?php the_time('jS F Y'); ?></small> <p><?php the_excerpt(); ?></p> <p> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">Read More >></a> </p> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>>
I am calling the featured image for the background using this code:
<body <?php body_class(); ?>
<?php if($src !== '') { echo 'style="background:url( '. $src[0] . ' ) no-repeat center top; width:100%;" ';
} else { echo 'style="background:url(images/default-bg.png) repeat-x;"'; } ?> >
But the problem I am having is that I cannot find a way to scale the image to the full width of the page or the full height of the div.
Please can someone help as this is driving me crazy.
… ]
to the title doesn’t do anything. ]
Hi everybody!
I’m currently working on a website for some friends and they would like to have a portfolio made out of a simple grid, and a blog too, which they will update pretty regulary.
I would like to have the portfolio grid as the front-page, and using the blog with articles as another page.
Now the question is, when I create a new article, it goes directly on the portfolio grid and frontal page.
How can I set like a new type of article for posting in the blog section?
The website is this one https://www.mille9e20.com/ and is still in progress!
The theme that I’m using is the free Pronto theme.
Thank you for every help, advice and suggestion!
I have load this free thème “PRONTO”:
But when i try to go on my website with my mobile (iPhone) nothing is happen.
My wordpress don’t load?
If you have any idea how could i fix it??
my address:
Thank you