Thanks for your excellent plugin. I would like to protect email addresses in All-In-One Event Calendar. I have the plugin ‘Email Encoder Bundle – Protect Email Addresses’ installed, but this doesn’t encode the addressed within your calendar plugin.
Is there any code I can add, or any other way, to encode emails added to events? Preventing/reducing potential for spam is a significant concern for my clients.
Many thanks
]]>I run Linux here as a server, I know it faily well
just wondering on protecting the admin folder called
If I password protect the Directory would this cause any problems to word press ?
]]>I have enabled password protection on several posts on my site, but the comments are always visible, even before a password is entered! I’ve noticed on some user’s blogs that you have to actually enter a password to get the comments to display. What’s the point of having a password protected post if the comments show up anyway?
I want to password protect the post AS WELL AS the comments. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>Don’t take me wrong, I think that wordpress is great piece of software. It just seems to me, that this password protecting thing is not enough well-thoughtout.