It appears to be the result of a <cite> ::before that I see when I Inspect it in the browser.
Is there some way to remove this artifact? I assume that it’s a bug of some kind?
]]>The quote icon that appears in quote and pull quote blocks has a white background by default so looks silly when I use an off-white bacnground colour on the website.
Can I change this colour in the Styles tab? If not, how can I replace the image in the backend?
Thanks in advance
I use the pull quote WP block often within a column and always notice a huge gap under the paragraph wherever the pull quote is added as one of the columns. See below screenshot from the post preview link shared above:
I have tried using the following custom CSS from this post but it doesn’t seem to help all that much (paragraph gap is still larger than normal and it seems to rearrange pull quote line entirely as you can see it was made wider for some reason). I have tried playing with the various numbers with limited success.
/*Pull quote spacing*/
.wp-block-pullquote {
padding: 1.71em 0;
See result here (notice quote was made wider even though I have width numerical value set to zero supposedly):
Of course I also may be misunderstanding the CSS code values and how to use those correctly. Curious what am I missing here and how can this be addressed so that there is just NORMAL paragraph spacing below pull quote blocks that are adjacent to a paragraph? Without impacting how the pull quote itself is displayed. It seems this should be a normal function but alas here we are.
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>In the 2016 announcement post there are pop out images of 2016 showing a beautiful left aligned pull quote, and a post with no sidebar, and also an image that breaks the alignment of the post.
Does anyone know how to break the alignment of a post with a pull quote or image in 2016 theme?
Does anyone know how to remove the sidebar in a blog post?
If these are both accomplished with plugins then can you recommend a plugin?
Thank you so much for the help!!
– Greg
]]>When I look at the preview of my post, it shows the pull quotes the way they should be, but when I actually publish the post they are gone.
It appears pull quotes in past posts are still working.
Any idea what’s happening? I really love this plug in!
Thanks for your help in advance.
]]>I don’t do html! Thanks!
]]>Is there (or will there be) a way to format the pull quotes using this plugin.
I would like to make the quote text stand out a bit more from the post text. Being able to change the colour, use font formatting (eg. italics, bold), or add a line above and below the text.
]]>Let me explain what I’ve done already.
I have a conditional PHP if statement in my sidebar.php that reads as follows.
<?php if ( is_single() && in_category('creative-writing') ) : ;?>
<div id="floater">
<div class="floating-excerpt"><?php the_excerpt(); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
This works great. On single posts in the “creative-writing” category, the_excerpt is inserted into a div and floated off to the side as a sort of pull-quote. I use a manually created excerpt for each post in this category.
What I want to do now is to switch from using one excerpt per post, to using several hand-crafted excerpts that I will manually input into custom fields. If possible, I would also like to insert some markup between each iteration of the custom field. It should be flexible to allow for any number of custom field entries, though they will all have the same key (call it $pullquote).
How would I go about this?
(BTW, I’m aware that there’s a pull quote plugin, but I’d prefer to do it this way.)