I have come to redesign my website somewhat and I have done the updates etc.
I am very crap at this but I cannot seem to:
Change my colours on my theme (see link to page where I am trying to do this)
On editing text on my homepage, when I hit return to try and get separate paragraphs, it works in the editor but not on the actual website.
Because I this I wanted to add a line, which you can do in the editor, but again it doesn’t show on my actual website.
I gave up trying anything else in the end!
Is this because Im using an old theme? Is the plugins causing me problems? Am I just completely inapt when it come to this!?!
Any help in layman’s terms appreciated and I cannot code to save my life!!
Thanks in advance
Rach – frustrated owner of Create the Scene
PS Im available for any party after this virus has been beaten!
I have a big problem which I and the hostingcompagnie can’t fix.
Can you be so kind to help/advise?
The problem:
We run a Woocommerce webshop.
We got the 503-507-508 errors al lot on Monday and Tuesday.
The hosting company says that there a processes that ask to much of their servers and that they keep going on and do not stop, they restart after killing them manually, they overload the side.
In the ‘resource usage details’ panel (https://ibb.co/m9038Kg), it looks like it started on Wednesday the 9th of October, but we had no problems until Friday the 28th of October.
I have installed Putty and see the following:
There are processes using 99+% of the CPU. (https://ibb.co/FsVPcGx) They run for hours/days. When we kill them with Putty they will just restart again.
Turns out it is the YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter plugin that’s causing this…
When I deactivate the plugin and kill the loopings in Putty they stay gone.
So I do not know what to do next… i want to use your free plugin.
Could you be so kind to help/advise?
]]>Here is the debug report or part of it, the important part:
******** DEBUG REPORT *************
wp package install wp-cli/admin-command --debug
Debug (bootstrap): Fallback autoloader paths: phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor/autoload.php (0.016s)
Debug (bootstrap): Loading detected autoloader: phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor/autoload.php (0.017s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: cache (0.026s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: transient (0.03s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: comment (0.037s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: meta in comment Namespace (0.04s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: menu (0.041s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: item in menu Namespace (0.045s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: location in menu Namespace (0.046s)
Debug (commands): Deferring command: network meta (0.046s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: option (0.053s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: post (0.067s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: meta in post Namespace (0.07s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: term in post Namespace (0.072s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: post-type (0.073s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: site (0.079s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: meta in site Namespace (0.081s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: option in site Namespace (0.084s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: taxonomy (0.086s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: term (0.092s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: meta in term Namespace (0.095s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: user (0.105s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: meta in user Namespace (0.109s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: session in user Namespace (0.111s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: term in user Namespace (0.112s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: network (0.113s)
Debug (hooks): Processing hook "after_add_command:network" with 1 callbacks (0.113s)
Debug (hooks): On hook "after_add_command:network": Closure in file phar:///home/sirroberts/wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/class-wp-cli.php at line 624 (0.113s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: meta in network Namespace (0.115s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: db (0.144s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: plugin (0.165s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: theme (0.174s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: mod in theme Namespace (0.176s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: scaffold (0.19s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: core (0.191s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: verify-checksums in core Namespace (0.193s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: verify-checksums in plugin Namespace (0.194s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: export (0.198s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: config (0.207s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: core (0.219s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: eval (0.22s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: eval-file (0.221s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: import (0.225s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: media (0.235s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: package (0.244s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: cron (0.245s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: event in cron Namespace (0.251s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: schedule in cron Namespace (0.252s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: embed (0.253s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: fetch in embed Namespace (0.258s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: provider in embed Namespace (0.264s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: handler in embed Namespace (0.266s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: cache in embed Namespace (0.27s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: i18n (0.271s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: make-pot in i18n Namespace (0.277s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: make-json in i18n Namespace (0.279s)
Debug (commands): Deferring command: language core (0.28s)
Debug (commands): Deferring command: language plugin (0.281s)
Debug (commands): Deferring command: language theme (0.282s)
Debug (hooks): Immediately invoking on passed hook "after_add_command:site": Closure in file phar:///home/sirroberts/wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/language-command/language-command.php at line 37 (0.282s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: switch-language in site Namespace (0.282s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: language (0.283s)
Debug (hooks): Processing hook "after_add_command:language" with 3 callbacks (0.283s)
Debug (hooks): On hook "after_add_command:language": Closure in file phar:///home/sirroberts/wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/class-wp-cli.php at line 624 (0.283s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: core in language Namespace (0.285s)
Debug (hooks): On hook "after_add_command:language": Closure in file phar:///home/sirroberts/wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/class-wp-cli.php at line 624 (0.285s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: plugin in language Namespace (0.288s)
Debug (hooks): On hook "after_add_command:language": Closure in file phar:///home/sirroberts/wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/class-wp-cli.php at line 624 (0.288s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: theme in language Namespace (0.291s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: rewrite (0.293s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: rewrite (0.295s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: cap (0.297s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: role (0.299s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: search-replace (0.307s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: server (0.309s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: shell (0.31s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: super-admin (0.311s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: widget (0.314s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: sidebar (0.315s)
Debug (bootstrap): Adding framework command: phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/commands/cli.php (0.315s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: cli (0.323s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: cache in cli Namespace (0.324s)
Debug (bootstrap): Adding framework command: phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/commands/help.php (0.324s)
Debug (commands): Adding command: help (0.325s)
Debug (bootstrap): No readable global config found (0.325s)
Debug (bootstrap): No project config found (0.325s)
Debug (bootstrap): argv: /home/sirroberts/wp-cli.phar package install wp-cli/admin-command --debug (0.325s)
Debug (bootstrap): ABSPATH defined: / (0.326s)
Debug (hooks): Processing hook "before_run_command" with 1 callbacks (0.326s)
Debug (hooks): On hook "before_run_command": WP_CLI\Bootstrap\RegisterDeferredCommands->add_deferred_commands() (0.326s)
Debug (bootstrap): Running command: package install (0.326s)
Installing package wp-cli/admin-command (dev-master)
Updating /home/sirroberts/.wp-cli/packages/composer.json to require the package...
Using Composer to install the package...
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Reverted composer.json.
WP-CLI ran out of memory. Please see https://bit.ly/wpclimem for further help.
******** END OF REPORT *************
As you see the composer now requires the package (wp-cli/admin-command) it failed to install.
Another error I have received installing packages
error: Warning: Content-Length mismatch, received 163577 bytes out of the expected 675165
******** Possible solution *************
I tried adding the following code to the “.composer/config.json” to correct the issue.
"config": {
"github-protocols": [
"repositories": {
"packagist.org": {
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://packagist.org"
No luck.
******** Another possible sulution *************
Godaddy restricts editing of the php.ini file so
I added a user.ini file with the following entry.
max_input_vars = 5000
Again no luck
******** Another possible sulution *************
$ php -d memory_limit=512M "$(which wp)" package install wp-cli/admin-command
******** HELP Info ***********************
<a href="https://make.www.ads-software.com/cli/handbook/common-issues/#php-fatal-error-allowed-memory-size-of-999999-bytes-exhausted-tried-to-allocate-99-bytes" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Help reference</a>
******** wp-cli info *********************
wp --info
OS: Linux p3plcpnl0758.prod.phx3.secureserver.net 2.6.32-896.16.1.lve1.4.54.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed May 2 07:43:19 EDT 2018 x86_64
Shell: /bin/bash
PHP binary: /opt/alt/php56/usr/bin/php
PHP version: 5.6.36
php.ini used: /opt/alt/php56/etc/php.ini
WP-CLI root dir: phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli
WP-CLI vendor dir: phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor
WP_CLI phar path: /home/sirroberts
WP-CLI packages dir: /home/sirroberts/.wp-cli/packages/
WP-CLI global config:
WP-CLI project config:
WP-CLI version: 2.1.0
Install wp-cli
$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar
Give the proper permissions
$ chmod +x wp-cli.phar
Test to make sure it is working
$ php wp-cli.phar --info
***Create an alias in your .bashrc so you can just use wp in your terminal commands***
$ echo "alias wp='~/wp-cli.phar'" >> .bashrc
Refresh that file
$ source .bashrc
if you test this out inside a wordpress install, you should see it working
$ wp plugin list
Installing packages