I just want a yes/no
‘BOX’ yes ‘Box’ no
How is that not the default?
]]>In the documentation it states that radio buttons are by nature ‘required’. In this day and age this is just not true anymore. the general public would tell you that a radio button input means that only one item can be selected. And if radio buttons are truly by nature ‘required’ input…than I wouldn’t be able to present radio buttons with NONE of them ticked and have a form submit successfully.
On my site I present 2 radio buttons with neither of them ticked and I want the user to choose one. Right now they can completely skip this radio button input choice and successfully submit their form. This is NOT what I want. When they try to submit with nothing ticked I want the error msg to display that this field is required. I do NOT want to default tick one of these options because it could mean that the user skipped over the question. I do not want to use checkboxes because to the general public, checkboxes mean multiple input options are allowed. I want my user to choose one of the two radio boxes. I also do NOT want to use a dropdown list box because these are way too tedious on mobile devices. It is especially tedious when you have lot of input fields and the user has to click twice for each drop down box…once to display the choices then once to select. Required radio boxes allow me to reduce my user’s clicks by 50%. No one wants carpal tunnel syndrome from having to go through a bunch of drop down boxes.
Most other form building sites give me this option. Can you please also add this functionality?
Thank you! Thank you!!!!!
]]>[ ] Male
[ ] Female
Where I want it to appear like this:-
[ ] Male [ ] Female
<p>Gender (*)
[radio radio-275 use_label_element “Male” “Female”]</p>
]]>I was wondering if you could help me with a couple of things..
What I need is for the search form to automatically submit when I choose from a dropdown or radio-box is selected. (There are 2 dropdowns and 2 groups of radio-boxes).
Second, I want the results to display within the current page – not to take me to the search page.
In the end I want only the results to refresh and not the page but I figured getting the above two working first was important.
Cheers for any help you can give me!