Now, here’s the problem. I do know that I can use “rand” to randomize the related posts. This works as expected. Now, as far as SEO goes, though, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to use randomized because every time a user will access this page, the related posts will be different. So I guess these links are not “stable” then ant can’t be indexed properly by the search engines because they change all the time.
My problem is now that when I DONT use random, on every post in the same category, I get the same 10 Related Posts shown. But what I would like to display is DIFFERENT related posts from the same category for every post in the same category. So it should be like “rand” but these related posts should always stay the same and not change after every refresh. Hope you know what I mean.
I know that this can be done MANUALLY by setting the post IDs for literally every post where the shortcode appears. But this is obviously extremely time-consuming if you have thousands of posts. So I wonder…is there any way to do this automatically…so something like “rand” but related posts that don’t change after every refresh.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards,
]]>This is the pods shortcode:
[pods name=”programmatik” orderby=”RAND()” limit=”1″ template=”Programmatik-Box”]
This is the code for the dice-icon:
<button onClick=”window.location.reload(true);” class=”btn”><i class=”fa-solid fa-dice”></i> Würfel-Icon</button>
Anyone got any ideas? Any help much appreciated! <3
Happy to provide more information if necessary.
Best, Vincent
]]>Even if I need to edit some codes. Thank you.
]]>I have tried implementing some changes in my child themes functions.php like creating a seed as described here: however I cannot get this to work in your plugin. Random sorting with any pagination (infinite scroll, load more button, default etc) all produces duplicate results.
Do you have any advice on how to overcome this? I am using the free version however I am hesitant to purchase the paid version because it seems the issue exists there as well.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I put this code in the tiny text field:
$path .= "../../../phpstore/mycode.php";
The /phpstore/
folder is way below the /public_html/
fold and out of webreach. Now I can create a *.php page, use Notepad++ to write my code, have all my code in one folder, and can upload it with and FTP program.
Only problem, your cache will not notice any change, even Ctrl+F5 may not work, so whenever you change the remote *.php page you need save the WordPress page/post too.
]]>‘jobs featured in first position and orderby=rand’ following ‘non featured-job also orderby=rand’
I have to have this resoult in the same search.
If I write: [jobs featured orderby=rand] featured ones don’t come in first position.
If I write: [jobs featured=”true” orderby=rand] non featured ones don’t appear at all.
If I write: [jobs] featured ones appears first, but not randon. Always by date, so same jobs are always the same.
If I write [jobs orderby=featured] non featured don’t appear at all
thanks for you create plugin.
We generated 10 coupon code in WooCommerce and want to show a valid random code on a post page, so each visitor see another code. It this possible?
[coupon_enumerate code="*" type="percent"]
[coupon_discount element_tag="div" prefix="code"]
Shows all the time all available codes.
Thank you so much
]]>I want change to ‘orderby=rand’
How can I do this?