can someone please better explain me how this add-on works?
In particular I have this need:
Each test has 50 questions, but I need that each time a students take a test, system has to show only 20 questions. These 20 questions has to be shown randomly by 50 questions “database”.
Can I do it through this add-on? If not, how can I do?
Thank you in advance,
]]>It might be possible to create a new page template that generates a random number from the set of all quiz ids. And then, insert that random number into Quiz Shortcode. But how do we get a random number from teh set of all quiz ids that have never been attempted by the user?
Appreciate any leads in the right direction. thanks
]]>We have created three Quiz rounds means
The page looks
if the user finished ROUND-I means the button hided.
I have doing below method:-
* Template Name: QuizModifications
* @package Gsivaprabu
get_header(); ?>
<div id="content" class="clearfix">
while (have_posts()):
the_post(); ?>
<div class="column column-title">
get_template_part('breadcrumb'); ?>
the_title('<h1 class="title-header">', '</h1>'); ?>
<div class="column column-content column-last single">
global $wpdb;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_pro_quiz_toplist";
$current_login_id = get_current_user_id();
$thepost = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT quiz_id FROM $table_name where user_id = $current_login_id and quiz_id =1;");
if ($thepost->quiz_id==1) {
echo "Round I Completed
} else {
echo do_shortcode('[WpProQuiz 1]');
$thepost = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT quiz_id FROM $table_name where user_id = $current_login_id and quiz_id =2;");
if ($thepost->quiz_id==2) {
echo "Round II Completed
} else {
echo do_shortcode('[WpProQuiz 2]');
$thepost = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT quiz_id FROM $table_name where user_id = $current_login_id and quiz_id =3;");
if ($thepost->quiz_id==3) {
echo "Round III Completed
} else {
echo do_shortcode('[WpProQuiz 3]');
endwhile; ?>
get_footer(); ?>
How can select different questions from different quiz’s
Like below
I have created 3 Quiz’s each have 30 Questions
If i participated in QUIZ-A means
If i participated in QUIZ-B means
If i participated in QUIZ-C means
Please suggest simple logic where i customize code and how? not full coding just
suggest the flow.
Thanks in Advance.