I was wondering if maybe you knew how to configure wp-env with Release Candidates of WordPress. The only documentation I could find is here: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/block-editor/reference-guides/packages/packages-env/ And only tells me how to switch to the master Branch or a specific version. I am using wp-env in CI and want to use my E2E tests to make sure, that a WordPress update doesn’t break my plugin, before it is rolled out of course.
Thank you!
]]>I added [restrict subscription="9"]Button here[/restrict]
and [restrict subscription="10"]Button here[/restrict]
shortcodes and found 2 issues:
I can work around 1 by adding the attribute message=” ” (space) since the default is only used if the message in the shortcode has a zero length. I cannot get around 2, because I have “Always show snippets” set because 99% of the time, the snippets should be shown for content and I can’t reasonably expect publishers to always remember to tick the box for every post they publish. Not only that, but I restrict content at category level, so I don’t even have the ability to enable the snippet per post when using RCP in this way.
Is there a way, or could there be a way, to turn off the snippet when using the restrict shortcode or is there a better way to achieve this?
]]>I am installing and upgrading via wp-cli.
]]>How to I change the text alignment or inline image alignment? Everything is looking pretty bad on the navigation menu at the moment.
]]>I created a new plugin and I added the following testing code to it:
add_shortcode('note', 'tt_test_note');
function tt_test_note($atts, $content = null) {
<div class="note" style="margin: 30px 0; padding: 27px 40px; background: #fcf3dc; border-radius: 5px;">
<p><?php echo $content; ?></p>
return ob_get_clean();
1. WordPress 5.9-RC1
2. Active theme: Twenty Twenty-Two Version: 1.0
3. Active plugins: only the shortcode plugin that has the code above and nothing else
4. PHP: 7.2.34-28+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
<h2>What’s the issue?</h2>
When using the shortcode [note]test[/note]
in Gutenberg’s own shortcode module works in the actual page, but not in the template editor.
<h2>How to reproduce the problem?</h2>
You’ll see the [note]test[/note]
code is displayed above the post title, but the yellow block shows correctly up below.
The same shortcode works if I place it into the “Header” or “Footer” part.
Playing around with it more, it seems the shortcode starts working after I create a template part from the whole section. Still weird that it does not work by default.
]]>I tried to manually roll it back to a normal build (the one in the normal download wordpress) but after a while the site started again updating to these RC builds …
How do i actually stop it from doing so ?
]]>I prefer to use SVN rather than downloading Zip files etc, due to being easier to update.
If I checkout the following branch:
Is that the same source code as the latest RC?
At any point, will the code in that branch differ from the RC?
Reading the documentation, I presume that the 5.0 branch will be update to 5.0.1 once work begins on that version. But by that point 5.0 will be available as a tag and I will just switch to that. Is my understanding of development process in SVN works correct?
Is there anything else I need to be aware of when using SVN and trying to keep up with the leading edge of WordPress dev?
]]>Steps to take
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Thanks a million for your help!