So when the user clicks into the field on a Data Entry form, a calendar appears, set to whatever date is contained in the field, or today’s date if the value is null. Of course, there is no way to save a new date to the database, but this behavior raises the expectation that dates can be changed.
And within fields with null date values, “yyyy-mm-dd” appears as the value of the field.
How can I make date fields readonly like everything else, and fields with null values be empty?
]]>Any thoughts?
]]>I am using the Circled theme and Enhanced Categories extension.
I am building a directory that has individual pages that displays entries by category (and children).
For example, I have a category for “Italian Restaurants.” Under Italian Restaurants, I have child categories for different states (California, New York, etc.).
When adding an entry, I tag it as both Italian Restaurant and California.
Then, I created a page with this short code:
[connections enable_category_select=’TRUE’ enable_search=’TRUE’ str_select_all=” category=’6′ enable_category_by_root_parent=true]
On my computer, this works perfectly and looks great.
However, on my iPhone, “Select Category” is a clickable option in the category dropdown . When I click it, it loads all entries (regardless or whether they are in category 6 or a child of category 6).
Is there a way to disable this? This only happens on mobile, not on my computer. My goal is to make it so that users cannot click “Select Category” and get a list of all entries on this page.
I hope this makes sense. Thank you!
]]>I’ve got these errors for multiple sites on one server:
Got error ‘PHP message: RedisException: READONLY You can’t write against a read only replica. in ../wp-content/object-cache.php:1070\n
Stack trace:\n
#0 ../wp-content/object-cache.php(1070): Redis->del(‘domain…’)\n
#1 ../wp-content/object-cache.php(80): WP_Object_Cache->delete(‘rocket_cloudfla…’, ‘transient’, 0)\n
#2 ../wp-includes/option.php(729): wp_cache_delete(‘rocket_cloudfla…’, ‘transient’)\n
#3 ../wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/inc/Addon/ServiceProvider.php(72): delete_transient(‘rocket_cloudfla…’)\n
#4 ../wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/ inc/Addon/ServiceProvider.php(59): WP_Rocket\\Addon\\ServiceProvider->addon_cloudflare(Object(WP_Rocket\\Admin\\Options_Data))\n
#5 ../wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/inc/Engine/Container…’
Got error ‘PHP message: RedisException: READONLY You can’t write against a read only replica. in ../wp-content/object-cache.php:1014\n
Stack trace:\n#
0 ../wp-content/object-cache.php(1014): Redis->set(‘domain…’, ‘a:378:{s:7:”sit…’, Array)\n
#1 ../wp-content/object-cache.php(931): WP_Object_Cache->add_or_replace(true, ‘alloptions’, Array, ‘options’, 0)\n
#2 ../wp-content/object-cache.php(36): WP_Object_Cache->add(‘alloptions’, Array, ‘options’, 0)\n
#3 ../wp-includes/option.php(258): wp_cache_add(‘alloptions’, Array, ‘options’)\n
#4 ../wp-includes/functions.php(1717): wp_load_alloptions()\n
#5 ../wp-includes/load.php(664): is_blog_installed()\n
#6 …..’
WP: 5.5.3
Redis Object Cache: 2.0.15
we ‘re running our WordPress on a Google App Engine (flex environment, PHP 7.3.19). To connect the media library to cloud storage, we’ve been working with the Google Cloud Storage plugin (
Since we changed from standard to flex environment (or for another reason), images do not get converted anymore. I upload an image and in my storage bucket there is only that image listed. Other sizes don’t get get created.
Tried to use WP Stateless plugin instead ( – no difference.
PHP extension gd is activated.
I’ve been searching and trying for some hours now – no success. Any help would be very much appreciated!
]]>we’re running WordPress on a Google App engine, hence, the filesystem is readonly. We store media on Google Cloud storage, for this we use a plugin.
Do you know if Autoptimize can be run under this circumstances? Do you know or have you heard about a way?
I understand that your base directory is always at least the “wp-content” directory.
Is it possible to use /tmp instead? (Still, I wouldn’t know if it could be served by nginx from there, but this may be another question.)
Best regards & thank you!
As I say, the plugin is wonderful, but there is something that does not seem to work as it should. The logic of displaying text fields on the product sheet for product customizations, etc. and then appearing throughout the entire purchase process, including the order in the backend, emails, etc. It’s great, but what if you need to show a read-only field like a ‘ean’ or ‘isbn’ code for books? Here is the problem. When you change the ‘Read Only’ or ‘Value or Field’ value of a text field, it never moves in any of the steps of the shopping cart, checkout, etc.
Has anyone else come across this problem and fixed it?
Thank you
]]>Excuse me for my English but I am French.
I’m creating a custom field by default but I do not know how to set the label to read-only.
function champ_temoignages_nom($postID) {
$post = get_post($postID);
if ($post->post_type == 'temoignages') {
add_post_meta($postID, 'nom', '', true);
return true;
I thank you for your help