This problem has been going on for several years now and I haven’t found a definitive solution. I have to do some tricks to activate them on the clients, what’s happening to them?
Do you think it’s possible to generate a token or license code in the wordpress administration where the simba plugin is installed in the user list for each user who has the license and thus send that token to the client and the client activates the license locally?
It’s strange but I think the recaptcha only appears when I activate the plugin, so the other functionality of receiving updates that YahnisElsts uses works well, or if you can think of another solution that you can advise me, or if it is necessary to develop the functionality that I mentioned, it could contribute to the development.
]]>got an issue when attempting to use Recapcha V2. I have a set of keys that are working elsewhere on site just fine, but when RC2 is turned on the submission process fails with the user dumped in a blank page and zero emails sent out. Can’t get any kind of error on what is going on. There is no content in the blank page – checked with inspector.
]]>I enter my site key and secret key but when I try to save them the button always changes to “Saving” and never actually saves the keys.
I looked in the console and this is the error when cliking on save: “react-dom.min.js?ver=18.2.0:10 Uncaught TypeError: wp.api.models.Settings is not a constructor”.
I tried both ReCaptcha v2 and v3 but I get the same error every time.
How can I save the Recapchta keys?
]]>with regards Gjalt
]]>I saw another forum post that mentioned they used Cloudflare, but their capcha problem seems to have magically fixed itself. I also use Cloudflare to mask the real IP address of my web server. I’m wondering if this may be causing some sort of issue with Wordfence’s Google recapcha feature or if there’s something else happening.
]]>It seems wordpress is stripping empty P tags. The issue is caused in a line in ../wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/contact-form.php; Umetzu found the issue:
Please push an update, this is causing a lot of issues.
]]>You can use this in comments, login, lost password and registration.
And you can have and use at the same time the two versions of google V2 and V3.
I trie before “Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA and Advanced noCaptcha” & “invisible Captcha (v2 & v3)” they no run in my web!
]]>for some reason when i goto my admin login page, it now has the recaptcha system enabled. I did not install it and frankly do not want it there as it hardly ever seems to work.
I have looked through the forums and tried the suggested solutions but they either do not work for me, or the files the methods suggest are not present.
]]>Here are the steps we followed:
1, Register the site in Google reCAPTCHA and get the site key and the private key.
2、Enable reCAPCHA in Salesforce and register the site key and the private key as an API key pair
3、Enable reCAPCHA in this plugin, and register the site key and the secret key
Maybe the nickname of the API key has something to do with the problem. Please let me know if there is a name I should set or how to set it in this plugin.
]]>The reCaptcha is not showing at the first open of the login or register form. after submit the form the page reloads and “reCAPTCHA verification failed. Please try again” error message appear. and then the recapcha appears and i can submit the form.
so always i have to submit the form twice, one is just for showing the recaptcha, and the second for normal submitting.
please can you help ?
i thought it’s depend for the cache, is cleared site and browser cache disable the cache plugin but no matter.
the recapcha is (V2 invisable) type,