I’m using this shortcode: site_reviews
It shows reviews sorted by most recent
, is there a way to change it to sort it by top rated
by default?
Thanks in advance,
Moderator note: Please, No bumping
]]>As such, I’ve used posts_per_page="10"
and order="ASC"
but that lists the 10 oldest posts. And, of course, I can flip the ASC to DESC to get the newest posts, but then they are listed in reverse chronological order.
I’m happy to use a filter in my core functionality plugin; just need to know what to do.
Thanks as always; love the plugin!
Here’s the full shortcode I’m currently using, for reference
[display-posts title="In this Series" taxonomy="post_tag" tax_term="current"
tax_operator="IN" image_size="thumbnail" include_excerpt="false" wrapper="div"
posts_per_page="10" columns="1" include_date="false" include_event_date="true"
orderby="meta_value_num" meta_key="event_date" date_format="M j, Y" order="DESC"]
]]>Although there are newer reviews in Google, they haven’t shown up on the homepage for months. I want the most recent reviews to be on top. What is curious is that it worked perfectly for months and suddenly (for about 4 months) no more new reviews are loaded from Google, although more recent, detailed reviews are available there.
I have written to your support several times about this, but never received an answer.
For this reason, I am now trying this public way.
I hope for your feedback.
Thanks in advance and kind regards,
]]>Is it possible adding like-dislike buttons on recent comments? Plugin “Better recent comments” is used to show the latest comments of the page.
Thank you,
]]>I have been looking at my website, nanomedic.org, in the WordPress Reader here. I would like the WordPress.com Reader to present my posts and for my posts to appear in the WordPress.com Reader search.
On desktop I have “No recent posts; This site has not posted anything recently.” and posts do not appear in the WordPress.com Reader search using the relevant tags. Oddly, in the mobile WordPress app by Automattic, Inc, my posts do appear in the WordPress Reader site. Similar to desktop, my posts do not appear in the Reader search using mobile.
I have checked the following…
I presume, according to post visibility on WordPress.com, I may not have posted enough content for the WordPress.com Reader to understand my sites content to recommend in the Reader search. However, that does not answer why my site’s WordPress.com Reader feed has no recent posts. I’m not sure what else to try but any suggestions will be appreciated!
Many thanks,
I have changed the number of Publishing Soon and Recently Published in the Activity widget on the admin Dashboard.
I would like to add this change to the child theme but I’m not sure how as the file is located at public_html/wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php
This is the section I have edited:
function wp_dashboard_site_activity() {
echo '<div id="activity-widget">';
$future_posts = wp_dashboard_recent_posts(
'max' => 15,
'status' => 'future',
'order' => 'ASC',
'title' => __( 'Publishing Soon' ),
'id' => 'future-posts',
$recent_posts = wp_dashboard_recent_posts(
'max' => 10,
'status' => 'publish',
'order' => 'DESC',
'title' => __( 'Recently Published' ),
'id' => 'published-posts',
Any guidance would be appreciated.
]]>I use Astra and I want to center the text of the titles of recent posts both on my homepage and on my article page. Currently the title is to the left of the picture.