Is this even possible to do with WC? (Woocommerce, Memberpress, Elementor Pro)
I’ve got a membership/subscription site, selling physical products on a recurring weekly basis.
Members purchase a subscription of a different-sized ‘basket’, which they can then choose from a list of products weekly to fill.
They don’t need to see the prices of products therefore each week, I just want them to scroll through the list of products, clicking ‘add to basket’, and then receive a notification when their basket is full.
When their basket is full, they can either edit around some of the products in there, or choose ‘checkout’, although I don’t want them to actually have to go to a checkout page with payment info, as this is a weekly recurring subscription. Just simply ‘edit basket’ or ‘checkout’ button, and once selected ‘check out’ then they just receive a ‘thank you’ page stating delivery info.
I’ve currently got my membership registration pages, login pages, linked to stripe all via memberpress. My ‘weekly choose products’ page I used basic WooCommerce shortcode, and I am happy with how they are displaying. I just don’t know where to go from here.
Is this even possible to do with WC? Do I need to buy some plugins or extensions? I am happy to do that, if someone Actually Knows, and is Familiar with what I am talking about and can recommend.
Thanks so much!
She had a customer place their initial order on September 28 and was charged on September, November and October 28. After that, the subscription should have shut off but she was charged again in December. The pink shows the subscription order. (The yellow is another customer, not relevant.)
What can be done about this issue?
]]>So far I can’t figure out if Konnichiwa can do this? I see one month as an option, but not monthly…
Thank you-
]]>I have removed their list from Recurring Subscription and added them to free account. But still they are charged monthly.
Is there anything I can do so that they aren’t charged monthly.
]]>I am using S2 member pro and I have a recurring monthly subscription option. I’ve noticed that it doesn’t set an EOT for the recurring. I assumed it would set an EOT for the end of the 30 day period and then update that EOT if payment goes through for the next month.
If it doesn’t set an EOT for recurring subscriptions that also makes sense but then if a member cancels his recurring subscription will it then show an EOT with the amount of paid time he has left?
Thank you!