I don’t know about anyone else, but I am no WP wizard! Whilst I think I know what would help, what would improve and what would make the site better, unless it comes in the simplest of forms, I’m a bit stuck.
Smush does a great job of reducing the footprint of my images. I get no issues whatsoever and that is exactly what I need, an piece of kit that just does the job, no drama.
Thanks to the team that developed Smush.
I recommend it, hands down
The price reduction shows correctly on site, but doesn’t show in the order information in woocommerce. Is there a way to switch it on so it shows the reduction there? The information is important for customer service staff.
How can I prevent my headers through Nisarg from looking so bad?
Thanks! Hope your 2020 is going well.
]]>It’s probably something that I’m doing incorrectly, but I’ve had to modify the core plugin file found at /paid-memberships-pro/includes/profile.php to fix an annoying bug in my users’ admin profile page.
WordPress Timezone is correctly set.
PHP ini_get(date.timezone) is correctly set.
In the original code, I’ve set my WordPress Timezone to be “Australia/Melbourne” but PMPro doesn’t seem to honor this setting. i.e. In my database, the expiry date is stored in my TZ as 2017-02-19 00:00:00 (which is correct), but on the wp-admin edit user page, it displays at 2017-02-18 13:00:00 (which is UTC). After debugging the code, the following appears true:
Database = 2017-02-19 00:00:00
MySQL Query Returns = 2017-02-19 00:00:00
PHP date() = 2017-02-18 13:00:00 <- uses UTC???
And PMPro ignores the local timezone, which means that EVERY time someone edits a user, the date is reduced by 1 day. Each time.
I’ve made the following correction to the aforementioned profile.php code from line 87 to fix my certain situation, but I’m sure it’ll probably be in more places than this.
//Database holds date in current timezone (i.e. Australia/Melbourne) but
//database query returns UTC timestamp. PHP date() function converts it as
//it is supplied in UTC - not in current timezone.
/Database - 2017-02-19 00:00:00
//Query return - 2017-02-18 13:00:00
//PHP date() = 2017-02-18 13:00
//Manually set the timezone by getting the WordPress option
$orig_tz = date_default_timezone_get();
//some vars for the dates
$current_day = date("j");
$selected_expires_day = date("j", $user->membership_level->enddate);
$selected_expires_day = $current_day;
$current_month = date("M");
$selected_expires_month = date("m", $user->membership_level->enddate);
$selected_expires_month = date("m");
$current_year = date("Y");
$selected_expires_year = date("Y", $user->membership_level->enddate);
$selected_expires_year = (int)$current_year + 1;
//Reset the timezone to UTC (or originally set)
Again, if I’m doing something wrong, please advise and I’d be more than happy to correct this as I hate modifying the core files (evidently, I don’t seem to be able to override this file in my theme directory, either?).
Any advice greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Also have just noticed the same behaviour on the front-end under “my-membership” – date is incorrectly displaying as 2017-02-18. Bugger.