“About Us” h1.entry-title for example appears both as the Entry title and in the sidebar. If I do not title the entry the it appears as code or a numeric title in the widget sidebar. I want the About us link to remain visible without it repeating as an entry title.
“Pages” h3.widget-title I would like to eliminate and simply have the links in a column in the widget sidebar
what file do I access to edit these details?
thanks in advance,
Second: redundant animation and slow loading of the plugin settings page. Why you put there a lot of scrap like animations, weird design. It was pain just to get location IDs because UI is poor and reCAPCHA.
]]>Because I’m so embarrassed by my site’s current architectural predicament, I’m describing a generic (alphabet) site with simplified structure that details what I see as problems, but lets my site be slightly anonymous.
I am creating content that I’ve been organizing in pages, typically in this format:
Where PageTopicIntroA introduces the “A” topic and also links to the A1, A2, A3 content pages.
I make PageTopicIntroA to have a parent of PageLetters, and similarly make the A1-A3 content pages to have a parent of the PageTopicIntroA page.
Then, I also have been creating an entry in my main menu for “A”, moving it to appear under the PageLetters page, and similar operations for the content pages. This seems redundant to me, but I don’t know how otherwise to achieve the organization I want. Just assigning a parent doesn’t seem to be doing the trick.
Importantly though, I also want to make use of the recent posts style front page. To the best of my understanding, this deals exclusively with posts, not pages. So, to satisfy this, I create an “A” topic post, PostTopicEvenShorterIntroA, having just a brief blurb, which introduces the subject and then “kludges” a read-more type link which doesn’t continue with the post (there’s actually no more of it), but instead jumps to the related PageTopicIntroA page.
If I was writing this as code, I’d feel that I had completely mis-architected the design. I see redundancy in terms of
. having to micromanage both the menu and the pages
. having to create posts that correspond to the pages
And keep thinking that I must be going about this the wrong way.
Can anyone suggest a better way to approach this type of structural result with less pain in the setup?
BTW, I have the latest updates to wordpress, plugins, and my theme (2015).
]]>1) Would the contemposary use of 2 plugins performing the same action be a source of problem or reduce speed?
2) The best indexing of images would be an important factor for me. Which one should I choose if I have to?
3) Using the Seo by Yoast for SEO but disabling the XML option and using the Google XML sitemaps plugin for the google indexing would be a smart decision?
Thanks for your help!
]]>All of the servers are internal and I want the sites to look identical. What I am looking for is just to cross-post between these automatically. The multiple sites approach is for failover / redundancy / disaster site.
Is there a plugin currently that will perform this action?
. A common bit of MySQL code posted in these forums, plugins and elsewhere goes like this:
### do not use: ###
# DELETE a,b,c
# FROM wp_posts a
# LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships b ON (a.ID = b.object_id)
# LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta c ON (a.ID = c.post_id)
# WHERE a.post_type = 'revision';
The problem here is that wp_term_relationships
is used for both posts and links, two different tables. Sometimes the object_id
refers to wp_links.link_id
, not wp_posts.ID
. And object_id
‘s are not unique in wp_term_relationships
. So there is a chance, especially with lower-numbered wp_post.ID
‘s, that you will delete a relationship needed to make Dashboard / Links work. The DELETE will remove two rows that match object_id
, one for a post and one for a link.
One plugin with this bug is
Another plugin just deletes revisions and does not clean up meta and terms at all, which is not ideal:
These plugins try to do things the right way, by using WP’s own term functions:
Here is a proposal to put a revision deletion function in WP core:
]]>EM already has a taxonomy for Event Locations, which helps reduce the need to repeat such info when entering events or recurring events.
How about a similar one for Contact Person/Info. This would save on redundancy for those who put on multiple events.
Appreciate any help with this.
]]>The name of my website shows up twice on top: “Pier Marton” – it becomes obvious when I look at the “Yoast Snippet Preview.”
How do I prevent that from happening?
Thank you.