I have referred to several post by installing some mu-plugin I have gathered into the wp-content directory but I think I might be doing it wrongly.
The posts that I have referred to are as following:
I’m trying to achieve the following.
I would ask the visitor to complete the form by providing their name and record the current date.
Then I would generate a unique reference number by using the date(day+month) and the first two alphabets of their name. The reference number will be added to the email sent out to admin and visitor upon request.
Example, the form is completed on 09042019, and the name is Jonhny, so the unique reference number would be 0903JO, how can I achieve this?
I’m looking at Contact Form 7 Dynamic Text Extension plugin but I’m not sure if I can achieve this with the plugin.
Thank in advance
]]>I’m trying to achieve the following.
I would ask the visitor to complete the form by providing their name and record the current date.
Then I would generate a unique reference number by using the date(day+month) and the first two alphabets of their name. The reference number will be added to the email sent out to admin and visitor upon request.
Example, the form is completed on 09042019, and the name is Jonhny, so the unique reference number would be 0903JO, how can I achieve this?
I’m looking at Contact Form 7 Dynamic Text Extension plugin but I’m not sure if I can achieve this with that plugin.
Thank in advance
]]>I have a requirement to build one form for users, that will include a set of fields.
Once a form is submitted we need to email the acknowledgment with a reference number to the user. This reference number should be stored in the database so that when the customer comes to the website again s/he should be able to know the status of the inquiry.
On the admin end, the pdf needs to be sent to the email account with all the related form data. The admin will have an option of changing the reference number status through the wp-admin dashboard.
I haven’t done this before and I’m not aware of how we can do this in WordPress using a plugin.
Please let me know about it. Thanks!
Any of you guys tried inserting a reference number whenever a user submits a form?
I’m using this plugin as a business registration in my website and I really need to track their submissions through that reference or ticket number.
Tried using {entry_token} using the hidden element but it’s too long to read.
Thanks in advance!
]]>2. Is there a way to add the last name to the confirmation message and the email notification that gets sent. I would like to put the Entry ID and the Last Name next to each other to create a Reference Number for the person.
Or is there a form element that can create a unique reference number for each person by combining the Entry ID and another form element?
]]>I am trying to set up Contact Form 7 to generate a random reference number so that i may track applicants by the ref number
I there anyway to do this?
I dont know how to mess with php code.
Thanks if you can help