Example: In my Media Library i can see a link that points directly to the media auto-generated page (https://mysite.com/attachment/myimage/)
With WP Offload Media, instead opening wordpress website with the image, this will do a “301 redirect” to https://s3.sa-east-1.mybucket.com/mymedia/myimage.jpg , for example.
The redirection from (https://mysite.com/attachment/myimage/) to (https://s3.sa-east-1.mybucket.com/mymedia/myimage.jpg) could have a referer header (Referer: https://mysite.com/attachment/myimage/)? Is it possible?
]]>So, it would be awesome if the pages attempting to hotlink our images were sent as the referer with the requests so we could track more potential copy/paste content thieves and mirror sites.
Right now, each request in the log has a blank referer and looks something like this: – – [05/Jun/2023:01:00:31 +0000] “GET /image.jpg HTTP/1.1” 403 5011 “-” “Photon/1.0”
Please let me know if you’d like any more info to help with this request.
]]>Thank you.
]]>in the following closed thread https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/disable-wp-cache-on-certain-pages/ the “exclude pages” argument has been replied
but it lacks some info:
@donncha says:
“define the constant DONOTCACHEPAGE or add the page URLs to the “rejected URIs” box on the advanced settings page”
I want a custom login page to be excluded because the wp_referer is cached, but it is not a custom page, it is standard wordpress page with 2 shortcodes.
1) Does Defininig the constant require to create a custom page?
2) I do not have such “rejected URIs” box in my Super Cache panel. I run a free version. Is the Rejected URIs box a PRO feature? Otherwise where is it?
]]>I’ve a specific request. But probably I’m not the only one with this problem.
I use a website to store my passwords and log in through this website. But all login attemps are blocked by Bad Behaviour. That’s good. But would it be possible to add a referer to the white list, because the ip address may change over time.
I did it my way, but quick and dirty. I added the following to the whitelist.inc.php:
if ($package['headers_mixed']['Origin'] === 'https://passwordmanager.my-url.com') {
return true;
Probably it could be helpful to anybody else.
It could be improved by checking the destination address (/wp-login.php) or some different tests.
Many thanks.
I’ve been using this plugin on lots of sites and never had a problem with it.
Today, however, I tried to integrate a google calendar to my new site and I keep getting this error:
Error calling GET *link*: (403) The request did not specify any referer. Please ensure that the client is sending referer or use the API Console to remove the referer restrictions.
I have tried to use an API with AND without a HTTP restriction but neither solve the problem. The calendar is set to be publicly accesible.
I see there’s other people with similiar problems, I’d like to hear a solution for the problem please!
Thanks in advance,
Karianne – HetSchoolvoorbeeld.nl
]]>I searched in the forum archives, but didn’t get any clear answer.
The most recent I found is this discussion :
I put the indicated code in my functions.php file, but got no result : after logging in, I’m still redirected according to the settings indicated for my role (the form is set to “default”), the code seems to do nothing.
Any advice to make this work?
Check https://frenchw.net/test/ for example.
Title is “TEst et détails dipl?me” and is rendered correctly
Content contains “Détail de l’offre proposée” and is rendered ‘D??TAIL DE L’OFFRE PROPOS??E’ (if’s in H3)
it’s because I have just after a simple link:
<a href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/XCSOURCE-10pcs-Cleaning-Cameras-DC580/dp/B00TF9AIF4/ref=as_li_ss_il?crid=GDR8TUWFJRRM&keywords=apsc+sensor+cleaning+kit&qid=1571894469&sprefix=apsc+senso,kitchen,147&sr=8-9&linkCode=li2&tag=frw-blog-21&linkId=cf78e38798c1ab389c36fb89376e461e" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img border="0" src="//ws-eu.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00TF9AIF4&Format=_SL160_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=GB&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=frw-blog-21"></a><img src="https://ir-uk.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=frw-blog-21&l=li2&o=2&a=B00TF9AIF4" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;">
If I use the new Guttenberg tag, it’s OK but I can’t use it everywhere.
<!-- wp:amazon-associates-link-builder/aalb-gutenberg-block {"shortCodeContent":"[amazon_link asins='B01JJ1VDQK' template='FW-ProductAd' store='frw-blog-art-21' marketplace='FR' link_id='c814875f-8a6e-4d93-8f84-c641af82fbcc']","searchKeyword":"B01JJ1VDQK card"} /-->
after searching all around, I found the cause. It’s in /plugins/amazon-associates-link-builder/rendering/content_filter.php
A regex searches the page content for amazon urls and makes some changes.
In this file, and to match the example just above, If I change in
private static $AMAZON_DOMAINS = array(......
… the “amazon.co.uk” string to… lets say… “amazon.com.uk” then regex doesn’t match and my page is rendered correcty.
I’m not a good php developper and I can’t find easily why this code changes the accents contened in the page:
//Remove noreferrer form amazon anchor links
foreach ( $anchor_node_list as $anchor_node ) {
if ( $this->has_amazon_link( $anchor_node ) ) {
$this->remove_noreferrer( $anchor_node );
$content_updated = true;
return $content_updated ? $document->saveHTML() : $content;
I’m available for better testing
best regard.